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- I Will Teach You How To Write and make Bass Tabs
I Will Teach You How To Write and make Bass Tabs
ive decided to finally work on the youtube channel post tabs videos an the lessons. so i will have one channel divided into: bass lessons, bass tabs, and the techniques for the tabs.
Also i was thinking i would like other members from here to jou my channel and get their own corner to teach their own tabs as well as tech advice and other bass related things.
im in dan. i just subscrbed to yoru channel
i have to set up the first tab vids and then start the techniques but before that i need to link my channel with this site as well as the facebook page that way we could expand the site all arpund tge web as well as my tabs
Sweet deal dude
Anything i can do to help just let me know
Sweet. I'll check it out.
twiggy you want a part in my channel? you can post your vids there and everything related
yes i do
sweet dude. thank you
im going to have to use my other email to create a new gmail account for sole purpose of tab requests and the youtube channel, that way everyone involved can access the youtube page post their videos, tab tutorials, lessons, tech Q & A and Other BAss GUitar related stuff
BTW I need someone other than me to run the Q & A and TEch forum, anyone up for that?
i can do it dude.
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