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Loudlon's Tab Corner!
All Night Long! Such great memories & not just musically

As usual Lon supplies another classic tab for us to enjoy. I'll need to go check it out & play that sucker!
To those of you who've PMed me requests – sorry I've yet to fill some of them, I'm just pretty busy right now, not a lot of free time on my hands. My schedule should clear up in another week or two, then I'll jump right on 'em. Thanks for your patience.
It's now been well over a month since I submitted my last tab – because my visiting family members are STILL HERE. I can't get a fucking minute to myself, man, and when I do plug up my bass and sit down to fill a request (of which I now have several) or even just to play and let off some steam, I can't go two minutes without one of the kids rushing in and plucking at my strings as I'm trying to play.
I love my family but for god's sake, GO THE @$!# HOME ALREADY!!!
Guests, like fish, begin to smell after 3 days
I'm telling you, man. This is over a month straight without so much as ten minutes to myself – aside from sleep, but even then there's always someone in my bedroom on my PC for hours at a time. A guy needs his private man time and dammit, I'm not getting any!
Hey Lon,
This has happened over and over, and will keep happening, unless you put a stop to it. I know you can find a polite way to tell your visiting family that I love you guys, and I love it when you come to visit - for about two weeks.
Obviously, you are going to have to tell them because they aren't figuring it out themselves or don't care too much that they are overstaying their welcome.
Best of luck!
you can do what the gang did to gale the snail in “It's always Sunny in Philly” and salt her. no one wants to have salt thrown at them. they'll be outta there in a second!
I've never in my life had a problem saying no to anyone or telling someone when enough is enough – except when it comes to family. We've always been close-knit and I guess as a result I've never really developed that “say no to family” muscle.
That said, the salt thing doesn't sound like a bad idea…
Lon, maybe you should have a friend pretend to be an exterminator and come over declaring your house is infested with lice. Your house needs to be sealed up and ‘bombed’.
They'll leave.
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