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- The introductions thread!
The introductions thread!
Hi, I'm a bass player wannabe & Soft Cell Devoteeeeee!!!! Marc Almond is my HERO! I Love music, mainly 80's pop but i've been known to dabble in other areas. Always good to experiment. I go where the 80's bass tabs go, especially those of Marc & Soft Cell

Liking this site very much.
Hi, I'm Mark, I've been into the Bass for a LOT of years but never really learnt to play it properly, I'm Jamming with some mates now and my playing is improving, I've made my own Bass which sounds AWSOME if I do say so myself. Big Bass Tabs is THE best Bass tab site bar none
I've been an on again/off again bass player for about the last 28 years. At one time I might have gotten to an intermediate playing level, but that was a long time ago. Since then I have only been playing when the bug really bit me, but it was so infrequent that I pretty much had to start over each time.
This time I hope I am serious about it. Getting way too old (53)to have very many more chances.
My biggest stumbling block has always been that I can't play by ear. I can read music, but am a bit out of practice with that.
Right now I am just trying to get back into the habit of playing everyday, and working on the basics. I am waiting anxiously on a lesson set I ordered online to get here. Using the Hal Leonard beginning bass book right now just to get the callouses built up again.
This is a great site. Although I am hoping not to have to use tab very much I am glad it is here. Seems to be a lot more acceptance of tab users than there used to be.
hey, im nick, been playing on again off again for the last 3 years. am trying to get back into it more hardcore now, but its hard spending 18 hour days in the kitchen!
played lead/rhythm for about 4 years and done a bit of piano as well.
its good to be jamming again. this site is even better than the old bassmasta
Hey basschef, thanks for the compliment and welcome to the forums! I really liked the BassMasta and hopefully this site really will eventually turn into its spiritual successor.
Heyy, I'm Bridgette. I've been playing bass ever since I fell in love with it eight months ago. ..That sounded horribly corny, but I'm not even gonna change it because it's completely true.

I'm still in high school, and I'm in two bands at the moment. We're doing garage rock and some metal. On my own, I listen to a little bit of everything, from Marcy Playground to Slipknot. My favorite band is Mindless Self Indulgence. I hate to love ‘em. Annnd that’s it, I guess. Nice to meet you all.
I'm Lynne. I'm took up the bass for the first time at the age of 42, seven years ago. See? You can teach us old farts new tricks.

I have very small hands; so, I play an Ibenez SDGR due to the narrow neck width and the overall sound of the instrument. Also, and due to my miniature hands, I use a throw technique for any spans larger than three fret lengths at the head (when most other bassists would use their fourth finger). It works.
50 year old Cabinetmaker in Denver. Loved music all my life. Finally picked up a guitar, and then put it back down. Picked up a Bass. Playing only a month, but what a treat. Bass is it! Don't wait 40 years. Do it! “Advice for the young at heart” look it up!
Hi, my name is Lenny. I am 19 years old. I have been playing bass for 3 years or so. I am experinced in Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Speed Metal, some Death Metal, Progressive Metal, some Latin, a little Funk, and All varriations of Jazz.
I am used to playing Acoustic and electric 4-strings, and electric 5-strings. My latest focus has been Dream Theater, so I am considering learning 6-strings as well.
I've been playing for about 4 weeks I think I suck but I play everyday even when my fingers bleed my bass has seriously kept me away from drugs I picked it up shortly after starting rehab and I haven't looked back since I play a 4 string and I want to learn more on jus how to play. I have no clue about slapping and I refuse to use a pick it jus doesn't sound right to me. Any positive input would be great.
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