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The introductions thread!

Well I've been playing bass for 35 years. I love to play. It is my passion. I play a custom Peavey Cirrus 5-string thru an Ampeg SVT4PRO with the option of 1 or 2 SWR triad cabinets. I have been very fortunate in that I have gotten to live my dream and played with many talented musicians, for crowds all over the SW US. I play any genre of music. I started off with 80's rock, moved into Christian rock, then 90's rock, then toured the Reddirt scene. Now I find myself playing in a killer rock cover band and also a fusion style with a Latin twist original band. I love to slap, thanks to Louis Johnson, I love to play lead bass thanks to Geddy Lee, I love the blues thanks to Stevie Ray, and I love the Reddirt thanks to Jeromy Plato. I will prolly submit a few tabs wben I become more familiar with the site. I just recently discovered it and I think this is a great thing for all bass players.
Posts: 189
Been playing 6string guitar for donkeys years, moved over to bass recently & am loving the heavy sound of it.

Live near North London UK..

cirruSWRpeg, it's a delight to see someone else on here who plays a five string. Welcome to the club.
hey everybody just wanted to say thanks love this site I played quite a bit thru high school and now 30 yrs later picking it up again ive found that my fingers don't work like they used to but with all the tabs,resouces its just a matter of time
Posts: 1594
cirruSWRpeg, it's a delight to see someone else on here who plays a five string. Welcome to the club.
I may be buying a 5 string Tbird for 250
Posts: 3146
I'm basskid, I just like to play bass and skateboard also. Cool site I don't know what I would do when bassmasta went down if it wasn't for this site haha
Hi, I'm Marko and I'm in hospital right now thanks to basskid, cos I thought I'd have a go at playing the bass and skateboarding, nah just kiddin, nice to be part of this friendly community
Cool site…just found it…i am wondering why the tabs are only displayed for a few seconds then vanish. I am using an android tablet. Will try on pc later and see what happens.
Posts: 1594
Cool site…just found it…i am wondering why the tabs are only displayed for a few seconds then vanish. I am using an android tablet. Will try on pc later and see what happens.

What do you mean vanish? I use my iPad, iPhone, and laptop and haven't had troubles
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
I've been hearing a lot of reports on this from people using android tablets.

I definitely want to fix this, but don't know how. I also have an iPad and an iPhone and the site works great on both.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Cool site…just found it…i am wondering why the tabs are only displayed for a few seconds then vanish. I am using an android tablet. Will try on pc later and see what happens.

Ok man, I borrowed a friend's nexus 5 and I totally fixed this! enjoy the site!

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