0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

The introductions thread!

Posts: 3147
Posts: 13
Thanks loudlon
Thanks iammark .. My boy has phases like most kids lol would love him or my girl to learn an instrument but no joy.
Thanks marko1960.
Welcome mazzyw, does your son play bass?I too am 43, with a 14 year old son that has no interest in playing any instrument. I don't get it.

Sensing a trend here. 44. Been playing 3 years, and a ten year old boy that wants nothing to do with a musical instrument

Welcome aboard Mazzy and Bluefairy.
Posts: 3147
I tried to get my son into music but he just wasnt interested so I gave up. Next thing I know he wants a drum kit, which I obviously obliged. I was delighted how far he went with it, playing in a few bands, one of which did really well. It fell apart when it was time to move to London and him and the bassist didnt want to go. Hes jammed with me in a band which was great
Posts: 13
Hi cheekychuck thanks for all the welcomes everyone ☺
Desperately want one of the kids to learn music theory as to me its spiders crawling all over the page .. so frustrating lol Bass tabs are brill for learning from.
A little late, but welcome mazzyw!
Posts: 13
Hi thunderbassistjay lovely friendly site ☺
Hi thunderbassistjay lovely friendly site ☺
We're the good guys (at least we try)
Posts: 13
Lol some great tabs on here
Posts: 1103
Lol some great tabs on here
There are some really good tabbers (coined) here.

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