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What's Your Set List?
when im in my house my bass is always with me
i play about 7 to 8 hours a dayeveryday lol
Now if you could only get paid by the hour for it, you'd have a great job!

Double L - if you're an unemployed addiction counselor, that would imply that there's not as many people affected by addiction anymore, right? You did such a good job you put yourself out of work! HAHA. Sorry to hear about the unemployment. But at least you're single, so you don't have to catch shit about it every minute of every day.

(Bright side to everything.)
Nah, unfortunately Medicaid cut the budget for the agency I worked for, so they couldn't afford to pay my salary anymore. I would prefer my joblessness be because I helped everyone in the world kick drugs and was thus no longer needed – that'd be awesome! – but sadly such was not the case.
your a strong credit to the world lon

i myself attended college to be an addictions Consol in 2011 and after i finished i couldn't really find anything work releated at the time but it also helped me battle some inner demons as well.
I was paid in 2006 and 2007 for 2 years but something happened and we bisbanded and i was battling inner demons at the time due to a close friends death that shocked my world to the core but if i could go back a stage to music i would.
Whenever I get down to practice an instrument I reserve half the time for warmups and exercises for different techniques and the other half I either learn a song that I currently like or just put my playlist on shuffle and play along whatever comes next.
Here's mine for the Ramones tribute show I've got coming up:
Shock Treatment
Cretin hop
53rd & 3rd
Something to do
I wanna be your boyfriend
It's a long way back to Germany
I wanna be sedated.
When I'm just practicing at home, I've got a handful of Misfits songs, Freeze, Vandals and Anti-Nowhere league songs I always go back to (and usually a new song I want to learn how to play).
Now I'm working on learning some scales, after I warm up (minor pentatonic -though I have somewhat abandoned that for the diminished).
Slayer - World Painted Blood
Manson - Antichrist Superstar
Megadeth - Dawn Patrol
Megadeth - Countdown To Extinction
Slayer - Raining Blood
Metallica - God That Failed
Linkin Park - Given Up
System Of A Down - Suite-Pee
Pantera - Good Friends And A Bottle Of Pills
Slayer - 213
mszzzi- cool!
I thought your show had already happened - my mistake. It would be fun to be there for it.
Do you need any Ramones tabs? I haven't put any of mine up here as there seem to be many already. Of the songs in your list, the only one I have tabbed is Sedated - I love that song! I also really like I Don't Care - which was the first song the Ramones wrote themselves. Anyway, I have some Ramones tabs if you think they might be helpful.
Do you have or can you make tabs for the Freeze songs you know? They were an awesome band! Cheers.
Sid could you add them because there's a lot of bad Ramones tabs
mszzzi- cool!I thought your show had already happened - my mistake. It would be fun to be there for it.Do you need any Ramones tabs? I haven't put any of mine up here as there seem to be many already. Of the songs in your list, the only one I have tabbed is Sedated - I love that song! I also really like I Don't Care - which was the first song the Ramones wrote themselves. Anyway, I have some Ramones tabs if you think they might be helpful. Do you have or can you make tabs for the Freeze songs you know? They were an awesome band! Cheers.
Sid im your back up so if you need someone to help you tab that list im your tag team
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