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The suggestion zone

TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
I know probably wrong thread but about how long does it take you to work on a request? Dont take me wrong I'm not trying to bag on you or anything I was just wondering.

I was wondering the same thing, I am having a hard time learning the song Regarding steven by Blues traveler. I want to learn this song BAD ! if anyone can tab this please help.

Hey guys!

The requests are now public so anyone can submit them. You can see there are tons of new requests every day, we really can't handle them on our own.

Johnny checks out every submission manually before it's published, but there are far fewer submissions than requests…
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
I also manually write tabs for songs that are requested but I don't do them on a first-come first-serve basis, unfortunately.

I usually pick songs that I already know and like first because it's much easier than starting with a song that I'm hearing for the first time.
how many tabs get submitted on average every day.
Posts: 13
I'm no expert or anything but I do know a bit about programming. I raise a large emphasis on the ‘bit’.
A good thing to do would be, a profile section where you can add information about yourself, age, location, main instrument, length playing and musical influences.
I will also be helping with the addition of bass tabs when I pop to the library, hopefully this week.
I agree, please no adverts. Although, if you require revenue there are more options than spam adverts!!
The site is currently good, I like the forum set up. Maybe your menu structure could be better, especially for mobile users. Would be worth checking that out. I don't mean to be sounding too critical though!! Also, Google key words could boost you right up. There's a handy little tool called Google analytics. Another thing worth checking out.
I guess you guys are based in America, I am UK based but if you would like a hand with anything I will drop you an email with mine.
Feel free to contact me, I would love to help where I can!!
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
Hey Doodles, thanks for all the suggestions. We're already using analytics, as for the revenue the site is already pretty much self-sustainable. It pays for the server costs and leaves enough for a round of beers for the three of us running it.

We haven't really thought about the mobile users, we'll look into that. But at the moment, we're kinda busy putting together another music related website with exercises only (and it looks pretty damn awesome). Maybe in the future a few smart phone applications will be available for our stuff, but it might take a while to develop them, since we're all fairly busy with the current projects already.

We're from Slovenia, by the way - but I do believe most of the traffic on this website is from the US. Not all of it, but a big chunk.

I think what this site needs most of all is a community though, and that just takes time.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Some issues where the search bar was showing over the navigation on the iPad were fixed a couple of minutes ago - I'll take care of the navigation soon (some letters aren't showing up)
Posts: 13
I know it sounds basic but are you advertising on Facebook? Like through a group? That could help build more of a community.
Word of mouth is also great.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
We've got a facebook page, check it out:

Posts: 13
I'm on my way although icve just rejoined Facebook and finding it really hard to use!! Please promise to keep this site simple!!
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
don't worry doodles.. simplicity and clean design was our #1 concern when making the site, we intend to keep it this way

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