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upcoming gigs your attending

The Menus. Dublin, Ohio!!
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Me and the dude going to see Bajaga tonight.

He's not internationally famous (he's from serbia). But here's a taste:

Duran Duran in Vancouver August 28. Should be some big hair there
Posts: 1103
Duran Duran in Vancouver August 28. Should be some big hair there
I have a friend that went to see DD in Tampa a couple of days ago. She posted pics and videos the entire time she was there.

They sounded good, and quite the visual spectacle.

As far as the crowd goes… nothing but chunky soccer moms as far as the camera lens could see.
Posts: 809
Snapped a pic of Bonnie's rig at last nights Nashville Pussy gig

SVT 8x10 and road worn 1980's Fender P special ,nice
Posts: 3147
Bonnyrig? Thats in Scotland isnt it?
Posts: 3147
Duran Duran in Vancouver August 28. Should be some big hair there
I'm gonna give it a year or two and see them at the local Workingmens Club…

…cat amongst the pigeons or what
Posts: 809
Bonnyrig? Thats in Scotland isnt it?

Och no ya wee haggis Bonnie Buitrago is the bassist
As far as the crowd goes… nothing but chunky soccer moms as far as the camera lens could see.

I'll fit right in then

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