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Classic 80s Song for Bass Players

Posts: 624
Twited Sister - Bad Boys of Rock N Roll
Motley Crue - Sticky Sweet
Hardline - I'll Be There
Cinderella - Gyspy Road
John Cafferty - Running Through The Fire
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
Since we're talking about classic hair metal, here are a few golden oldies to jam to:

Ballad of Jane, by L.A. Guns
Love Song, by Tesla
Way Cool Junior, by Ratt
Don't Close Your Eyes, by Kix
Cum On Feel the Noize, by Quiet Riot
Yankee Rose, by David Lee Roth
Smooth Up in Ya, by Bullet Boys
Posts: 1594
All of Kiss's stuff from the ‘80s. Lick It Up and Judas Priest’s Screaming For Vengance were the first two records I bought. Great '80s rock and metal
Posts: 440
Anything by Dio
Skid Row, I remember You
Great White, House of Broken Love
Tesla, Modern Day Cowboy
Oh, and Spinal Tap
Posts: 1103
Oh man, I've been listening to so much 1st Wave on Sirius, that I've totally forgotten about the hair bands!

Kix, Tesla, Great White… You guys are bringing back some memories for me.

I recently heard Paul Simon's “You Can Call Me Al” and I forgot what a great bass line that song has. I need to see if there's a tab for it.

Edit: There is! (http://www.bigbasstabs.com/paul_simon_bass_tabs/you_can_call_me_al.html)
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
I have a WIP tab for Great White's “Rock Me” going as we speak. Had to put a hold on it while family's visiting.
Posts: 110
I would like to have the tab of FACE TO FACE HEART TO HEART (The Twins)

Any Iron Maiden is a must. Namely The Trooper, Run To The Hills, and Fear Of The Dark. Great, great songs.
Just realized that Fear of the Dark was released in 1992, but I don't retract my previous post. Still a great song.

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