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What bass do you plan on buying next?

I'm leaning towards a Warwick Thumb bass. I've been trying to find the sweet deal but no luck. Looks like I'll have to save my pennies for a while.
Posts: 36
I was wondering what my next one would be too…started looking at and in fact asked opinions on forum of the Epiphone Jack Cassidy version. I went to the store Monday and found a sweet deal on used mint Gibson Midtown and picked up a new Epiphone Thunder Bird Pro IV on sale…. it was a good day Monday
Posts: 1103
Does anyone own, or have played a Hotwire fretless bass? Or any Hotwire bass?

I just learned about them, and their simplicity really appeals to me. But they're German, and I've never seen one in the States.

Are they expensive compared to Fender fretless basses?
Posts: 1
Myself I'm prettty happy with my Ibanez. A friend recently bought a MusicMan Sterling, it's got a fast neck (like my Ibanez) but has a whole bigger sound.


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