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New website design!

KissyBoy [staff]
Posts: 42
Thanks for the feedback, y'all!

linkinpark232: hmmm, really? what kind of phone do you have? that's interesting because we made the new version mainly to address issues with the old version not showing up well on phones.

defiant bass trends: users being able to configure things to their liking is something we've considered. what kind of stuff would you like to be able to configure?
Posts: 1499
Not a fan of the red text; I vote for something darker.
Kissyboy -

1. reconfigure the voting system on tabs - 5 star system works nice, but it would be better to know how many people have voted on a certain tab. There are way too many 5 stars on a certain tabs. I would be more enticed to look at a tab that had 20 people claiming a 5 star tab compared to a tab of one person rating a tab of the same claimed value. -example: 1 vote, 5 star vote, tab shows only main riff of song - though the tab is missing 85% of everything else - which the end results leaving a person being deceived from the get go.

Seeing how many people have voted on certain tabs, should entice others to get in the habit on voting on them as well or avoiding a tab with a 1 star with 5 people in agreement. - which if that is the case, should be removed and purged from the system if there is multiple versions of the same song.

2. User edit options: As I had mentioned in an earlier thread, I had voted a tab and by accident clicked on the wrong star - which the end result devalued the purity of the tab status - there is no option for users to reconfigure the vote.

3. Another edit option: User tab removal - I've uploaded a tab that another user had requested, not realizing that same version was already there, for things of this nature - it would be a nice feature to have, but not entirely necessary.

If any of this if applicable within reason, it would be very much appreciated.
If any of the above ends of being too much of a hassle, then please abort the task at hand.
Posts: 3145
A gallery section
Posts: 330
Custom color scheme would be nice. Usseles but still a cool adition
Moderators - this has been a topic as of lately, and voting for who should help in monitoring the message boards I find completely pointless. As Users, we are responsible for what is ethical and what is not ethical on these boards. I suggest there to be an option to thumb up or thumb down someones comment or something along those guidelines. Though there is a link –report this message– I believe this does not give the option for removal, please correct me if I am wrong about that.

For the most part, the discussions on these boards are above standards - though at rare times threads can get out of hand. I figure if at least 3 people voted thumbs down on a comment, then there is a high probability that person was being vulgar/offensive and that comment would be automatically tossed into a hide/delete mode of users comment.
Moderators - this has been a topic as of lately, and voting for who should help in monitoring the message boards I find completely pointless. As Users, we are responsible for what is ethical and what is not ethical on these boards. I suggest there to be an option to thumb up or thumb down someones comment or something along those guidelines. Though there is a link –report this message– I believe this does not give the option for removal, please correct me if I am wrong about that.

For the most part, the discussions on these boards are above standards - though at rare times threads can get out of hand. I figure if at least 3 people voted thumbs down on a comment, then there is a high probability that person was being vulgar/offensive and that comment would be automatically tossed into a hide/delete mode of users comment.
Posts: 3145
I can see where you're coming from DBT, the call for moderators was the result of a very offensive troll who launched a vicious tirade of abuse and no one was available to censor him but it's true that these events are few and far between and I like your suggestions
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
It looks so freakin cool !!! You guys such a great job on the site.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Thumbs up / Thumbs down sounds like a great idea.

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