- Bass Tabs
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- New website design!
New website design!
For me everything is good with the new design
On my iPhone (Safari) everything looks fine.
At work, I have to use IE, and everything looks fine.
At home on my PC I use Firefox, and soetimes text will overlay and the top banners gets messed up unless I have my screen sized maximized.
Question, O Powers that Be:
It's happened several times when I've gotten a PM tab request and have attempted to include a tab in the reply, only for the tab to show up all whacky. Instead of being able to edit it, I have to add on replies explaining what's what and what goes where and blah blah blah. It's a pain in the ass, man!
So my question is, could you enable it so that we can edit private messages?
Rock on with yo' bad self!
Lon, as requested. you should now be able to edit your private messages.
lol i like how he called ya o powers that be. and is it all of us who can edit or just lon? I could check but its more fun to ask you
Everyone can of course
but you can only change yours
I have one grouch, I have to sign in every time I come to the site whereas I didn't before
Did you check the remember me checkbox?
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