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Chris Squire of Yes RIP!

Posts: 395
Some people would say you can always replace a drummer and bassist, sadly not the case with Keith and John
I agree. Some bands have replaced certain key members and pulled it off. But after those two were lost it was over for The Who. Like I said one of my regrets only because I did have a chance to see them in there heyday. Just didn't feel like a road trip to Vancouver at the time. My loss.
Posts: 3146
Time to sort your avatar out Johnny
Posts: 3146
Time to sort your avatar out Johnny
Posts: 270
Quote: Some people would say you can always replace a drummer and bassist, sadly not the case with Keith and John I agree. Some bands have replaced certain key members and pulled it off. But after those two were lost it was over for The Who. Like I said one of my regrets only because I did have a chance to see them in there heyday. Just didn't feel like a road trip to Vancouver at the time. My loss.

Sadly not everyone has a gig on their doorstep or within a short distance. Most of us have to travel and some people “REALLY” have to travel huge distances!
Posts: 395
Yes LP it was a 12 hour drive to my regret. Kinda wish I had done the road trip now.
Posts: 395
Time to sort your avatar out Johnny
I like you Marko but I am not sure what you mean. Its just me. I lay it out plain and simple. I say what comes to mind. I have no avatar. Sounds like some sort of kids movie or game. Not sure what you are trying to say to me.
Posts: 395
If you are talking about what I know as the truth. Far more than you ever want to know.
Posts: 395
What is your avatar Marko.
mr zee
Posts: 577
Quote: Time to sort your avatar out Johnny I like you Marko but I am not sure what you mean. Its just me. I say what comes to mind. I have no avatar. Sounds like some sort of kids movie or something not sure. What are you trying to say.

He means your BBT picture Johnny, It shows justin beiber by default
Posts: 395
Oh give me a break. I already tried that. I cant post pics and I cant change Justin bullshit Beiber. I have tried numerous times. I give up on that. And I was joking around with Marko because I thought he was joking around with me.

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