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Chris Squire of Yes RIP!

Posts: 395
Don't get me started on reality tv
Exactly. Nothing else needs to be said.
Posts: 395
Quote: Yes LP it was a 12 hour drive to my regret. Kinda wish I had done the road trip now. To me that is not worth the hassle, but to others a 12 hour drive is an adventure! It's a pity you missed out but maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
I did do a road trip to Vancouver where a bunch of guys did a package thing to Vancouver tickets and chartered bus. To see YES Going for the One tour. Didn't even get out of the station before they started cracking beers. They filled the bathroom sink with ice for drinks. 12 or 14 hours later not sure. In Vancouver. Let off at the concert hall at 7 am. What the hell do we do now. Nice planning no hotel no nothing. And me the fool for not asking. Just standing out there like idiots. It was rush seating so since we were there as long as it took god to create dirt. We had great seats. And the bus trip back was nothing like the trip there. Everyone was mush. After a 14 hour bus trip with all the condiments and waiting at the doors for another 12 hours. And then the concert and right after the concert the trip back. No rest. It was a chartered bus on a schedule. I didn't heard a word on the way back. That was a road trip. It sucked but was way cool now that I think back on it.
Posts: 270
Some story! Sounds like pure hell to me as it did you back then going through it. Funny though that you can now see it from a different perspective.
Posts: 3146
Trying to get my head round 12 hour drive, if you drove for 12 hours in the UK you'd have to go from Lands End to John O'Groats, or was it 12 hours cos you have a 45 mph speed limit, if it was the latter I'd have started killing people after about two hours
Posts: 395
Some story! Sounds like pure hell to me as it did you back then going through it. Funny though that you can now see it from a different perspective.
I see it as a experience that could never possibly happen again. It was rough. But I was younger and tougher and not so smart. At least smart enough now not to do it again. The concert was amazing. That made it somewhat better. But the memories. I will always have them. So now I look at it as a really cool thing I took part in despite of no sleep. 30 hours. Give or take. 14 hour bus trip. 12 hours in line. YES played 3 hours. To much alcohol and other things. No food no hotel. It really was a nightmare. I would do it all over again for the experience and that amazing concert. I think.
Posts: 1103
It's cool that you did that, but even if Led Zeppelin reunited I wouldn't ride a bus for 12 hours to go see them.
Posts: 395
Trying to get my head round 12 hour drive, if you drove for 12 hours in the UK you'd have to go from Lands End to John O'Groats, or was it 12 hours cos you have a 45 mph speed limit, if it was the latter I'd have started killing people after about two hours
No it was 14 hours I couldn't remember if it was 12 or 14. Vancouver is 600 hundred miles from my home in Calgary. All the way over the mountains. The only reason I went was because a lot of bigger name bands in the day wouldn't come here. Including The Who. They only played the big cities here in Canada. So you had to do road trips. I did a few of them. But none quite as horrifying as that one. Everyone was so loaded an hour out of the bus station they were in no condition to kill anyone . And to wiped out after to even move until we got home. No chance of homicide on that bus trip.
Posts: 395
It's cool that you did that, but even if Led Zeppelin reunited I wouldn't ride a bus for 12 hours to go see them.
Nowadays you would have to pay me to do that kinda thing again.
Posts: 3146
One of my sisters used to live in Calgary, small world
Posts: 3146
I once stood in a queue in the passport office in Liverpool for eight hours having hitch hiked over the Pennines overnight, that was a living hell

…didn't get my passport either, forgot my birth certificate!

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