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Duran Duran Bass Tabs

Posts: 494
Hey! Nice photos, figital!! Today is the day: pressure off.

p.s. does anyone know if there's any POWER STATION tabs around?

I'm working on Election Day (Arcadia), I think Sid will tab Some Like It Hot, from Power Station (Maybe you?)..
I want to tab new songs from Paper Gods, I intend to listen all of album songs today.
Posts: 494
Which pedal JT uses?
Posts: 494
Sid, xXFireBladeXx's request:Sunset Garage

Posts: 494
Great funk bass on Only in Dreams

Comments on this track are very good, everyone liked what they heard.
Posts: 494
My fav: The Universe Alone (with John Fruciante)

Posts: 3146
I was talking to Nick Rhodes on Twitter and asked him why the new album after all this time, he said cos the BBT Duran Duran Bass Tabs thread was running out of steam, thanks for that Nick
Posts: 494
Sid, figital, xXFireBladeXx, I finished Election Day tab and I submitted this. I accept suggestions

Posts: 494
“Election Day” was the first single released by the Duran Duran off-shoot band, Arcadia. It was released by Parlophone Records in October 1985 and subsequently hit the top ten on both sides of the Atlantic, peaking at #6 in the US and #7 in the UK, but was the most successful in Ireland, peaking at #5 and in Italy, peaking at #1 (also reaching the Top 25 in Germany). Along with the Arcadia members, “Election Day” features Grace Jones on vocals and speech segments.
Posts: 1499
I amended my Paper Gods tab to reflect the bass cover by Paolo Camassa that figital directed us to. Tab submitted. cheers
Posts: 494
Pressure Off tab submitted!

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