0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Duran Duran Bass Tabs

Posts: 494
Chastity Ashley. Great percussionist!
Posts: 1499
Hugorj, I had only a little time. I listened to Before the Rain. Between cello, keys, and bass, I found it difficult to hear what the bass alone was doing.

The cello plays B (E7) - E (A7) - D (A5) - F# (E2) in the opening riff. I think the bass comes in for a couple of measures around 1:00, then comes in for real at about 2:00 as you show in your tab. I will have to work on this more, but when I was playing your tab, I did not hear anything that sounded terribly wrong.

At least part of the song is in B minor: B C# D E F# G A B.
Posts: 1499
Before the Rain, main riff by bass (at two minutes), maybe this:


G - F# - E with octave jump
Posts: 1499
I continue to work on Love Voodoo as time permits, perhaps I can finish it this weekend, and I now think that perhaps the tuning is not standard. I think it is drop Eb (Eb, A, D, G).

There's a reprise of the chorus after the 5th verse at the end of which the bass drops below the F of a standard-tuned bass. Since the song is in Bb minor, the next note down from the low F would be an Eb rather than an E.

Terribly exciting, I know!
Posts: 1499
Love Voodoo tab submitted - finally!

The bit I call the Interlude is not what JT plays. He does a slap thing that I can't pick out of the murky mix, and as the rest of the song has a reggae flavour (in my opinion anyway), I thought something other than slap would be fine. So I've put something together for this section that is based on the what the female vocalist does.

Hugorj, Mari7, Gerr, duranduranfan, let me know if you find anything that is horrible. cheers.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Hey, I approved it, sorry it took so long, was really busy!

looks like a great tab!
Posts: 1499
Thanks, Johnny. I feel you are very fast in getting submitted tabs up - especially as it's you alone doing the checking and approving. Other sites have taken weeks, or longer! Cheers.
Posts: 494
Hello to all! It's great to be back here! New year, new missions.
I was traveling
Posts: 494
Sid, great job with ‘Love Voodoo’
Posts: 1499
Thanks, Hugorj. What are you working on now?

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