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Duran Duran Bass Tabs

DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Mari7 youre asking too much –______– youre going to suck me dry and make destroy my bass guitars
Posts: 1499
Mari7 youre asking too much –______– youre going to suck me dry and make destroy my bass guitars

I think I know this feeling!
Posts: 494
hehehehehe poor Mari7
Posts: 1499
I am not picking on Mari7. In fact, I value her help in checking tabs (and Gerr's, and everyone else).

In my case, the feeling is from many requests from many people for many songs; and for each one that I finish, three more pop up! Never will the end be found!
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Btw i was saying it with humor i would never destroy my bass guitars
Posts: 461
I would hope not Danny! Don't destroy, just play!
Posts: 250
Boys, you are so much fun!Danny (and Sid) I'm very patient, do not rush to make the tabs
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Hey Sid, Suprising how she is enjoying us being her slaves.
Posts: 1499
I have to confess, Mari7, I have been a very naughty boy. I haven't worked on a Duran Duran tab in two weeks. Perhaps a spanking is in order? Please?
Wow Sid, we have seen a new side to you!

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