0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Duran Duran Bass Tabs

Posts: 1499
My mistake about the cover, then. Not JT. So I don't know who plays bass on the Notorious album.

I followed the link you (Mari7) gave (duranography.dk ) and it is interesting to me because I hear the bass dropping to a low D, below the E on a four string, in part of Vertigo. Wes is playing a five string bass in the photo at the link you gave. So if he played on Notorious and used a five string, then I'm not crazy!

Edit: Wes would have played on Medazzaland and Pop Trash, not Notorious. My mistake.
Posts: 250
Wes was a very praised bassist while he was in Duran Duran. But he had a style different from Taylor
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
sorry for the delay in approving, im on a business trip and my internet time is limited
Posts: 250
Where's Danny? He disappeared!
Posts: 1499
See Danny's posts at the bottom of page two of this thread:


Sounds like Danny's gone to Missouri to do some hunting!
Posts: 109
“planet earth” I can play with fingers but it just doesn't give it the right sound. Playin with a pick gives it the umph it needs. Picking is really difficult for me, especially up and down strokes. Any advice? Except practice,ppractice, practice
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Seriously ive been gone for a few days and you think im hunting Sid? dude i live in PR there is no hunting here, only fishing. Btw thanks for giving me credit for helping you do the vertigo bass tab for 5 strings (tear runs across face). And yes Mari i dissapeared for a little bit because i started a Physical fitness program and its taking time from my schedule to do tabs so i might not be here often , unless i take the bass with me to the gym. Oh and i'll probably have to stop making bass tabs for a very very very very long while. Just letting you guys know in case any one wonders when it looks like ive dissappeared for a while
Posts: 1499
Great tab for Vertigo Sid

Thanks very much, Duran Duran Fan.
Posts: 1499
Seriously ive been gone for a few days and you think im hunting Sid? dude i live in PR there is no hunting here, only fishing.

Linkinpark is in Missouri. Your Grinds My Gears posts indicated that you wished to find him and cause great pain.
Posts: 1499
Mari7, you put Sunrise on the list of songs? Do you see that JT is playing a five string in the video for this song?

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