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- Duran Duran Bass Tabs
Duran Duran Bass Tabs
It would be great if you wanted to re-tab any low rated songs!
Perhaps checking and rating the unrated Duran Duran tabs could be a project for Gerr and Mari7 and Duran Duran Fan and…?
Im busy tabbing some nightranger tabs + 10 requests i owe and the duran duran 3 tabs i need to do so……no thank you maybe after i finish
Thanks Mari7!
This topic is very cool, the people here really like bass. I learned a lot from the compositions of John Taylor.
I checked Before (Sid)/Perfect (Sid)/Edge (Hugo)/Valley verse (Hugo). I liked and rated all of them.
Where's DuranDuranFan?
Not sure where DDF has gone, he's not visited the site for a while.
lovetheeighties, can you help us with checks?
I am puzzled by the confusion surrounding the interlude in Box Full o' Honey.
Here is the tab I have made that seems to be confusing:
Interlude x4
And here is the song:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoreIVSgWJAThe interlude tabbed above starts at 1:50 in this video, right after the lyric “…box full o' honey” and then repeats starting at 1:58.
Part of this could be played at frets 1 and 3 on the G string, it does not have to be so much on the D string, but I think it is easier here with less movement on the neck.
But maybe I just have it wrong!
I checked again and I like what I have for the Box Full interlude. I think it is correct.
My last attempt: (Box Full o' Honey/interlude)
A|-6--6810------6-6-8--------------------| 2x
Hugorj and Sid. I think that only correct part is the begins:
After that I think that both of you didn't hit the right tune. I checked all attempts..
Do you find impossible to try to communicate with JT and him sends this excerpt?
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