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Chowny bass?

Posts: 189
These look nice if you like short scale semis..

Off to youtube.

Posts: 330
They do look really nice
Posts: 330
Looked them up. Sound pretty good aswell
Davie 504 plays a Chowny in one of his vids. Sounds and looks cool. Like a Gretsch, but for a third of the cost
Posts: 3147
Yep they do look nice BUT, arent they just a Gibson EB0 copy?
Posts: 330
Yep they do look nice BUT, arent they just a Gibson EB0 copy?
They look nothing like an EB0. But they are a copy of the Gretsch Falcon bass
Posts: 3147
Ok, they do look nice BUT, arent they just a copy of a Gibson EB2
Posts: 330
That one does look much closer, but it's clearly a Gretsch copy
Posts: 3147
Gibson were the biggest guitar maker in the 20th century with the most innovations such as humbucking pick ups and the truss rod, this design was introduced in 1958 with the ES 335, Gretsch could barely hold a candle to them
Posts: 330
True. But it still looks a lot more like a Gretsch. And all that was a long time ago, Gibson doesn't even make basses anymore
Wanna see (and hear) a Chowny in action?

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