0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

How to solve the versions problem?

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Another contributing problem I'm seeing right now as I browse through the new tabs page is the awarding of 5 stars to tabs which feature mistakes so glaring, the rater must be blind, deaf or both LOL
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Would you agree there should be a mechanism for correcting other people's tabs?
Would you agree there should be a mechanism for correcting other people's tabs?

Yes. Lon and a big hammer.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942

I'm not sure editing others' tabs is the way to go. What if the person “correcting” the tab is wrong? And I would think it would deter future tabbers from contributing, knowing someone else has the ability to swoop in and rewrite them when they see fit.

Ideally, the rating system we have is the way to go. It's just a matter of whether or not a person rating a tab is being objective, and whether or not they're skilled enough that they can actually discern if the notes they see in the tab are right or wrong.
Posts: 3146
Some tabs dont need correcting, they need completely re doing from the beginning, so in that case you would be completely replacing someones work
Posts: 534
Would you agree there should be a mechanism for correcting other people's tabs?

Maybe if the contributor of the tab hasn't been on for 90 days they lose ownership, and anyone can edit the tab Otherwise corrections would go in the comments and the contributor would then be responsible for incorporating them.

The risk with “fixing” other people's tabs is if there are egos involved, and it gets ugly.

Regarding Marko's comment about some tabs being so bad they need to be replaced, that's where submitting a new version would work best, and whatever plan we have to remove unnecessary versions comes into play.
Posts: 534
Wow - we have Version 12 of both Gorillaz's ‘Feel Good, Inc.’ and Cream's ‘sunshine of your love’ on the New Tabs page. Sunshine has a total of 24 entries, including those with modified names. Feel Good Inc beats it with 28! 28 versions of the same song!

Any way the “submit tab” page could do a lookup against one of the CD information databases to validate the artist, song and album names? That would help eliminate the modified names (like “100% correct”, which average around 3 stars…, which will make it both easier to search for songs as well as identifying duplicates.
Posts: 534
Same validation is needed on the Requests form as well, including a search for the tab on the site. There's a request for The Cars “Just What I Needed” on the list, and there are two versions here already (the third is mistitled). Neither tab has any comments as to why they aren't right, and they are rated 3.75 and 4 star, so one of them (they are different) should be pretty close, if not right on.
Posts: 1103
We could just delete all the tabs and start over.
Sid may be on to something here.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I've been watching the new tabs page closely for the last couple months (when I've not been crazy busy doing other crap) and am even more convinced that this is more a rating issue than a version issue. Have you guys seen how many grossly sub-par tabs are getting multiple 5-star ratings lately? There can only be two reasons for this:

1. Raters are utterly clueless, or…
2. The tabber is cheating. Multiple acccounts, using each to vote up their crap tabs, or having friends do it. I don't need to point you out. You know who you are.

I seriously doubt it's #1. Recently I gave a new tab a rating of 2 stars. I even provided a YouTube vid of the bass master track in the comments section for people checking out that tab. No offense intended to the tabber (unless #2 applies to him, in which case, screw ‘im) but the tab was incomplete, and what it did have was mostly inaccurate. Regardless, within an hour or two after my 2-star rating, it had received five new 5-star ratings. It doesn’t take a bass genius to look at the tab and see that it's wrong, so why so many 5-star ratings?

Again, I direct you to #2. And we've got a LOT of those right now.

So if we want to fix this version issue, the first step would be weeding out the cheaters who compromise the integrity of the site and fill its archive with shit tabs. Rate ‘em 5-stars all they’d like, they're not fooling anyone. They're just taking up space.

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