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- How to solve the versions problem?
How to solve the versions problem?
I would trust a 1-Star Lon tab more than most of the 5-Star tabs.
One of the things I don't get is how one tab could get 5 stars based on the tab being a truncated version of what the author “thinks” sounds good; consisting of a small tab for the verse, a small tab for the chorus, and maybe a bridge piece, or some alternate version of the chorus.
And then you get a tab that someone obviously took the time to flush out completely note for note, in the complete arrangement of the song as it was recorded, and have the same 5 stars or less.
Seems like there would be a way when uploading the tab to register the tab as “Full Version” or “Sample” or “Modified Version”. I know I would spend less time going over samples if were trying to learn a song myself. Or I might check out a sample if I was trying to cheat my way through a song at the last minute.
This is an age-old problem on websites that allow ratings for contributions. Solutions such as “you can't rate unless you have contributed 10” tabs have been tried, but there are obvious problems even with those. I've learned to ignore the stars and see for myself what has been posted - it doesn't take long to compare two versions. And I've never rated any of my tabs. I mean it's not like we get paid by the star or anything, so you have to be fairly immature to do that.

And isn't that preventable via code? I think you have to be logged in to vote, so a rule should be put into place to disallow someone to vote on a tab that they submitted.
I know this is off-topic, but how does the approval process work here? Awal2323 has had a pair of perfect Steely Dan tabs (I know, because I've already seen them over at UG) that have been sitting here “pending” for nearly two weeks while other people's tabs (or partial tabs) have been getting approved. Seeing that it is Awal2323 (or LoudLon, for that matter) should be all that any reviewer should need to see; those two (at least) should be on auto-approve. I do the best I can, but I've never posted as good a tab as the worst tab that either of them have posted.
Another week has gone by, other tabs have been approved, and still Awal2323's *perfect* Steely Dan tabs are unapproved. I hope we don't end up turning away one of our best tabbers.
I review all tabs manually with a little help of a simetimes overeager spam filter that eats up some tabs sometimes.
If I take too long on some tabs its best to message or email me.
I know this system isnt perfect and we will improve it
I've learned to ignore the stars and see for myself what has been posted - it doesn't take long to compare two versions.
Two, no. 12, yes.
Any way a step could be added in when there will be multiple versions of a tab (the system knows it, as it adds the version number) that requires a justification for the additional tab? Then when Johnny is approving the tab he could filter out the ones that don't need to be added. For example, when Lon is submitting Ver3 of Cake's Short Skirt/Long Jacket, he would be able to indicate why the other versions need to be replaced, and (since he is good) which ones could stay as simpler versions of the song.
That would help prevent the inclusion of new extra versions of songs, stopping the bleeding somewhat. Then we get to look at the cleanup of the existing extras…
Like I said, scrap the ratings….I think I said bosh aswell
Just in case I didn't…
I think we need the ratings system, for the benefit of the less experienced players who come looking for a proper, accurate tab. I mean, that's why we tab in the first place, right? The problem is they're being misled by dishonest ratings. So I'm thinking maybe it would help with ratings if comments were mandatory. Right now, you only have to leave a comment if you're rating a tab less than five stars. Having to justify a five star rating as well would help weed out the cheaters, because it would allow Johnny and me (as a mod) to track multiple usernames registered to the same IP. Then we'd know when someone's using a dupe account to rate their own tabs.
I forgot you had to comment to rate a tab under 5 stars?? I get that it's meant to encourage improvement in the tabs, but since I'm super lazy it generally just puts me off rating anything unless it's 5 stars. Rating is meant to be quick - you play something through, let people know how accurate you thought it was and move on. I don't want to have to come up with a reason for my rating, since it should be self-explanatory.
I think if you don't have to put a reason for every rating you make, people would rate more tabs, and the more often tabs are rated, the less an effect people attempting to abuse the system will have.
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