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- How to solve the versions problem?
How to solve the versions problem?
If you look at the new tabs page, as I write this I have twelve unrated tabs showing. Eleven of those twelve are for songs we already had tabs for, and all eleven of them were requests I received via PM. Again, none of those eleven filled requests have been rated by the people who requested them. If we could view more than one page of new tabs, you'd see even more filled requests that haven't been rated.
It usually takes me somewhere between half an hour to two hours to complete a single tab, depending on the song's complexity. That is a LOT of time wasted on people who don't bother to rate, let alone even offer so much as a thanks for, the very tabs they requested. There are a few who do rate when I fill their requests – you know who you are, and I'm happy to continue taking YOUR requests – but anyone else, nope. I'm done.
That should help at least take a small bite out of the mounting multiple versions problem.
(Nick checks and realizes he hasn't rated Dirty Martini and rates it)
Off topic to this thread, but requests shouldn't go via PM - they should be on the request list. That puts an undue burden on Lon, or any other tabbers here, that can't be shared as the requests aren't public. I don't have a problem sending a PM to point out a request on the list (“Hey Lon - think you could take a look at Rain from The Cult for me? It's on the list&rdquo

, but there are plenty of people here who are submitting great tabs (just look at all of those 5-star ratings!!!) who aren't given the chance on a song because it isn't on the list.
I never minded getting requests by PM – I actually encouraged it in my eponymous Tab Corner thread – but you can only do so many unrewarded favors before you get fed up with the people you did the work for not bothering to show any kind of appreciation for it.
So any PM requests I do get in the future, unless they're from those few who do rate the reuests I fill for them, I'll go ahead and put them on the request page for anyone else who might be interested.
As for your Cult request, I'm off to tag it now.

EDIT: Or not. The only Cult request I saw was your request for their song Love. Was it bumped off the page, by any chance? Re-request it and I'll tag it.
Love is the right request - was listening to The Cult on shuffle and Rain was on. Which we have a good tab of already.
I know what you mean Lon, it's like coming up with a really great plan for solving the versions problem and getting Jack Shit in acknowledgement, even though it was a great idea, but Ćest la Vie as the Lithuanians say
What? Who said that? Is someone there?
Maybe there's no bass in those songs???
Hi guys
Would like to thank all of you for your hard work. I'm a beginner and find this an invaluable resource in learning to play. Still fairly new to this so if I haven't rated I apologise. But thought I'd get it down here
Keep up the good work
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