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Taking breaks

Also I third the notion of listening to live bands! Watching people play makes my fingers itch, even if I'm on a break.

I dont like going to concerts, the music is too loud and I dont like crowds. Also, I live in a town of 2300 and the nearest relevant music scene (which im told has deteriorated horribly over the past few years) is a forty five to sixty minute drive one way, so no thank you.
Posts: 1103
Travel. See the world.
Posts: 809

Quote: Also I third the notion of listening to live bands! Watching people play makes my fingers itch, even if I'm on a break. I dont like going to concerts, the music is too loud and I dont like crowds. Also, I live in a town of 2300 and the nearest relevant music scene (which im told has deteriorated horribly over the past few years) is a forty five to sixty minute drive one way, so no thank you.

I love the small sweaty club gigs ,beer and bodies flying all over the place but I'm with you on the volume bands do play too bloody loud especially when they are not through the house pa

Nearest venue for me is a 1.5 hour bus and a train ride each way, could drive it in 45 mins each way but we all drink (a lot)

Treck up to London next month to see the old firm casuals will be 2-3 hours each way bus,train,tube and add a taxi to that on the way home

If we get home

No pain no gain

Posts: 3148
Travel. See the world.
In September me and the wife are gonna drive to Venice, then down to Rome, camping on the way, it's a big challenge but I think I'm up for it
Posts: 809
Quote: Travel. See the world. In September me and the wife are gonna drive to Venice, then down to Rome, camping on the way, it's a big challenge but I think I'm up for it

Marko can't speak for the rest of Italy but having just got back from Rome and witnessing the driving of Italians in the city i would strongly advise parking up on the outskirts and taking public transport in

But then again you are from the mean streets of Hartlepool so I'm sure you're well used to it
Posts: 3148
But then again you are from the mean streets of Hartlepool so I'm sure you're well used to it

Yeah defo, lol
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1943
Lately Ive been having trouble finding the motivation to play, the time between uploads on my channel has been steadily increasing and my practice times are getting shorter and shorter so I decided to take a little break from playing. Today I played for the first time in almost a month for probably less than ten minutes which is about how it was before the break, so it seems it either wasn't long enough or didn't help. The last time I took a break from playing it lasted for eight years and I would rather not repeat that. How long do reasonable breaks last and what can I do to make bassing fun again?

Happens to the best of it. Like with anything, you can get burned out, lose your passion, etc. Go back to what made you want to start playing to begin with. Whatever song or album or image you heard or saw that made you say, “I want to play bass.” Re-ignite your fire.
Quote:Happens to the best of it. Like with anything, you can get burned out, lose your passion, etc. Go back to what made you want to start playing to begin with. Whatever song or album or image you heard or saw that made you say, “I want to play bass.” Re-ignite your fire.

That'll be a neat trick. That thing was a now former coworker, a guitarist/bassist in local metal and hardcore bands. Ive since lost contact with him, he moved out of the area, not on social media, phone number doesn't work anymore. Ive had conversations with other musicians recently but it hasn't had the same effect.
Posts: 534
(I'm struggling with wording here - everything comes off kinda jerk-ish, and that's not where I'm going with this).

From your responses to the suggestions here it seems like you're looking for someone to tell you it's OK to quit.

It's OK to quit.

The vibe you're giving is of someone who needs to separate from playing bass for an extended period. Put the basses away, stop hanging out here, give yourself a real separation. If the fire comes back, great , and if not remember playing bass as a great phase in your life that ended. Be happy for what you did playing, and give yourself permission to not do it any more. Life's too short, don't stress yourself out trying to force something that isn't there.
Posts: 3148
It's true, when the fun stops, stop, seek new horizons

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