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Taking breaks

From your responses to the suggestions here it seems like you're looking for someone to tell you it's OK to quit. It's OK to quit. The vibe you're giving is of someone who needs to separate from playing bass for an extended period. Put the basses away, stop hanging out here, give yourself a real separation. If the fire comes back, great , and if not remember playing bass as a great phase in your life that ended. Be happy for what you did playing, and give yourself permission to not do it any more. Life's too short, don't stress yourself out trying to force something that isn't there.

No, its more like ive already considered some of the things suggested here and I am just explaining why these options are a no go. Ive invested too much time and money into my channel and gear to just walk away, or at least for very long. Im still at it, I have the next song picked (a different one) and even retuned the five string for it. I wonder if the problem im having is my choice of song, its kind of boring going back to Metallica after playing mostly death/black metal for over a year.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
That I can relate to. Maybe try mixing it up even more. Instead of sticking only with metal/death metal, try some different stuff. Branch out into alt-rock or even pop music. You don't have to like a particular band/performer, it's about finding interesting-sounding bass lines and keeping you engaged in playing. Not to toot my own horn, but I've always been primarily an alt-rock/hard rock/metal guy myself, but if you look at my list of tabs, there's everything from Metallica and Nirvana to Carole King and Terrence Trent D'arby. Mix it up, expose yourself to other stuff.
My breaks are forced. Between work and family obligations, if I can play my bass once a week, that's a good week. Not happy about it, but there is only so much time in one day. When I was able to play a little more, I would just change it up if I was in a funk. Maybe different styles of music, scales, arrangements, lessons, or even pick up a guitar to make me realize why I play bass. Even when I'm not playing, I am still listening to music and hearing the bass line. Practicing my ear. Hopefully this break makes you hungrier when you get back playing. Like riding a bike
Posts: 3148
Some good points here, variety is the spice of life, and without a little spice, what's the point of life? I don't want to knock Death/Thrash/Axe Murderer Metal, but to be honest the challenge for the bassist is a bit limited, so here it is, I'm going to set you a challenge which is about as far away from thrash as you can get! I want you to learn a bass line from one of the finest bass players ever, the late, great Bernard Edwards. I want you to learn the bassline from ‘Le Freak’ by Chic. Now that you've stopped laughing I want you to take me seriously, this is a great bass line and a serious challenge to anyone brought up on thrash metal. Your challenge, should you accept it is, have it on your channel in three weeks. This message will self destruct in five seconds
Update: On Monday I was made aware of complete bass tabs for a Behemoth song I covered back in the day, which means it can now be redone, correctly. So with that it seems that my break is over. Since Tuesday ive been playing like I used to and even retuned the five string to 2/3 of the way to the tuning it will need to be in but I still have two other songs to get out of the way first.

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