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Cheesy songs you like to play?

Posts: 189
Its a trashy song but girls aloud love machine is cool as to play.


Its one of those riffs I can just take the idea and make it a bit different, you know what I mean?

Your cheesy pleasures?
Any cheesy 80's song

Posts: 1
Paul McCartney
Silly Love Songs. Great bass line
Posts: 534
Cheesy? Try “Peace Dog” from The Cult. There was a tab here from bassm99, but he pulled it (need to ask him why at some point). It's still out on that other site. Assume your best Rock ‘n’ Roll stance, get a disdainful look on your face, and enjoy!
Posts: 3148
Cheesy?…'Philadelphia' freedom??
Posts: 809
Anything by Dairy Lea Roth

Posts: 809
Always hated prog

Edam ,Leerdammer and Parmesan

Right old stink
Posts: 809
Cheesy? Try “Peace Dog” from The Cult. There was a tab here from bassm99, but he pulled it (need to ask him why at some point). It's still out on that other site. Assume your best Rock ‘n’ Roll stance, get a disdainful look on your face, and enjoy!

Can't be having that, The Cults electric album is the buffaloes mozzarellas
Posts: 3148
Cool For Cats by Squeezy Cheese
Posts: 3148
Anything by Pearl Jam with Eddie Cheddar on vocals
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I Believe in a Thing Called Love, by The Darkness
You Suck, by The Murmurs
Little Bastard, by Ass Ponys
New Age Girl, by Deadeye Dick
The Metal, by Tenacious D

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