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Cheesy songs you like to play?

i put out a little riff from the show “sid the science kid”. it's not right and over the course of the entire show it changes a little. it's kinda fun to play over and over. lately, i've been playing a lot of “blister in the sun”, the theme song from “superman”, the first few moments of the bass line from ZZ top “i thank you”, the theme song from “beetlejuice”, and the theme song from “halloween”.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
- New Age Girl, by Dead Eye Dick
- Short Skirt, Long Jacket, by Cake (submitted a tab for this one a couple days ago but it hasn't been posted yet, JOHNNY!)
- Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, by Crash Test Dummies
- She Bop, by Cyndi Lauper
- Spandex Enormity, by M.O.D.
- Love Shack, by the B-52s
- Total Eclipse of the Heart, by Bonnie Tyler
- Sunglasses at Night, by Corey Hart
- Dream Warriors, by Dokken

There are plenty more but I don't want to hog the thread.

EDIT: Psshht. Just noticed I'd already replied to this thread. Forgive any repeats.
Posts: 25
I wrote out the tab for Barbie Girl by Aqua and play it every time I feel stuck with playing
Posts: 116
- New Age Girl, by Dead Eye Dick- Short Skirt, Long Jacket, by Cake (submitted a tab for this one a couple days ago but it hasn't been posted yet, JOHNNY!)- Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, by Crash Test Dummies- She Bop, by Cyndi Lauper- Spandex Enormity, by M.O.D.- Love Shack, by the B-52s- Total Eclipse of the Heart, by Bonnie Tyler- Sunglasses at Night, by Corey Hart- Dream Warriors, by DokkenThere are plenty more but I don't want to hog the thread. EDIT: Psshht. Just noticed I'd already replied to this thread. Forgive any repeats.

I never thought of Dokken's “Dream Warriors” being cheesy…lol
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Admittedly I relate Dream Warriors to “cheesy” mostly because of its music video – which even in the ‘80s would have been considered overly cheesy, with with Dokken pumping his fist out of rhythm and the bassist doing the “look into the camera like a fashion model and pump your bass” thing that he did in all their videos. Only the inherent coolness of George Lynch and his Mr. Scary guitar save it from a full-on cheese overload, IMO. Don’t get me wrong, I've always liked the song, but I can't hear it without the video playing in my head at the same time. It's cheesiness is stamped into my brain lol

See for yourselves:
Posts: 3147
Started to watch it, got about 20 seconds in but I remembered what the doctor said, “For the sake of your cholesterol, stay away from cheese!” Hit the stop button just in time!

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