0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Ultimate-Guitar stealing our work

Posts: 27
Anyone else notice Ultimate-Guitar.com stealing our tabs? They are using a guest account to do it, and they make no effort to hide where the content actually came from.


Here's one of LoudLon's:

In my own case, I do not want anything I made appearing over there.

This page shows (most) of the latest bass tabs:

I've had several of mine posted over there. They don't even meet their standards (that is, if I posted them myself, they'd reject for my formatting), and the posts violate their own terms of service as not being the work of the person posting them. So do they have a bot going around stealing from other tab sites now?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Sadly this isn't new. I've had a couple tabs in the past stolen by some loser chump and posted there. The bad news is, once you put something on the internet, it's pretty much public property. Whoever wants to copy and steal it can do so and there's not much you can do about it. What you CAN do, is what I do – when I see one of my tabs show up on another site, I leave a comment on it that it was stolen and submitted without my knowledge or permission. And really the best you can hope for is that the thief at least leaves your name on it as the author (like they did with my tab you mentioned).

And yeah, the UG tab standard thing is puzzling. I had so many tabs disapproved for not meeting their ridiculously constrictive formatting standards – it's the whole reason I quit UG in the first place – yet someone can steal one of my tabs here, formatting intact, copy and paste it at UG's and they accept it? That doesn't make a lick of sense.
Posts: 3147
…and don't forget, someone else wrote the original bassline in the first place so the tab doesn't actually belong to you! Just tell yourself that there are kids starving in Africa and it's not such a big deal after all
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
It's a matter of principal. You don't bang another man's wife, and you don't steal shit that isn't yours. UG has more members than BBT, and WAY more active tabbers. If they were the “ultimate” spot for guitar tabs on the internet, why would they need to steal from us? Besides, I note clearly on every one my tabs, “tabbed for BigBassTabs.Com.” Not “tabbed for BigBassTabs.com, but please steal it and post it somewhere else.”

Principals, man.
Posts: 3147
I was walking my dog and he laid a cable close to where another dog had just dropped one, unwittingly I picked up both piles and took them to the bin, so I did steal shit that wasn't mine and got away with it

…the other mans wife bit is another story
…and don't forget, someone else wrote the original bassline in the first place so the tab doesn't actually belong to you! Just tell yourself that there are kids starving in Africa and it's not such a big deal after all

I'm confused, are you insinuating that people like Seanmo and LoudLon steal to make their tabs?
I don't think creating a bass tab is stealing. I mean these guys don't make any money from them, they just create them for the love of doing them. Please correct me if i'm wrong!
Posts: 3147
You forgot God Bless America
Posts: 3147
…and I also seem to remember, from the dim and distant past, this subject came up before and there are tabs on BBT that were lifted directly from U G, so who's going to cast the first stone?
You forgot God Bless America

What's that got to do with bass tabbing or the title of this thread? lol
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
…and I also seem to remember, from the dim and distant past, this subject came up before and there are tabs on BBT that were lifted directly from U G, so who's going to cast the first stone?

Those of us who create the tabs in the first place. I don't like being stolen from, especially with the amount of time and attention I put into my tabs. And someone's going to take my stuff somewhere else and try to pass it off as their own? Even if they leave my name on as the original author, why post it on UG when it's already here, just as free for viewing? It's pointless theft.
Posts: 3147
Ok, I'm on your side really, was playin Devils advocate but it backfired. So why don't we find all these stolen tabs and write on the comments, ‘stolen from Big Bass Tabs’, I hate Ultimate Guitar anyway, with their tiny, multicolour fonts on a black background, the whole things a mess, and the constant ‘go to app’ prompts! Why don't we go round their place and give em a couple o cheeky rib benders


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