0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Ultimate-Guitar stealing our work

Yeah , they sent me an email, I ignored it.
Posts: 270
…and I also seem to remember, from the dim and distant past, this subject came up before and there are tabs on BBT that were lifted directly from U G, so who's going to cast the first stone?

Basically six of one, half a dozen of another. No one site is perfect but we the user can choose which site we prefer to visit.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
In the meantime, since this thread was first started they've stolen at least another half dozen or so of my tabs alone. I would recommend right-click disabling on this site but I have no idea if it would cost Johnny extra, or how much.
Posts: 26
I just checked the site to see if any of my tabs have been stolen, my tab for “The Red and The Black” by BOC is on there. That is some bull that people can just copy and paste so easily. Edit, just found another one, my tab for Forever Mine is on there as well. I think I'm gonna start putting a little text at the beginning of all my tabs that say the tab is done by me and for BigBassTabs like you Loud.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Unfortunately that doesn't stop ‘em. A few of mine that were stolen, they didn’t even bother removing my “Tabbed by LoudLon for BigBassTabs.com” header. And the admins keep approving them, so obviously they don't care that their users are stealing our tabs.
Posts: 26
I know it won't stop em, but it will at least let people know who are viewing it where it comes from. That is if they don't purposely remove it. I left comments on all the tabs from me I found on there.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
That's what I do as well.
Posts: 534
I found BBT because of a comment on a tab on UG saying it had been lifted from here. If the stuff here was good enough to steal I figured I needed to come right to the source.
Posts: 270
I found BBT because of a comment on a tab on UG saying it had been lifted from here. If the stuff here was good enough to steal I figured I needed to come right to the source.

In some strange way a positive has come out of something negative.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
In the meantime, since this thread was first started they've stolen at least another half dozen or so of my tabs alone. I would recommend right-click disabling on this site but I have no idea if it would cost Johnny extra, or how much.

I don't know. That might just cause more inconvenience for legit users? The best way is to include messages like taken from bigbasstabs.com in between verses or something.. many times people copy pasting will fail to notice this, the message gets passed on to UG and we get new users like 2nick3.

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