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Does anyone know this obscure '90s song?

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I only heard it a couple times in the summer of ‘93, when stationed in Hawaii. It’s a medium-tempo song, a kind of alternative/pop hybrid, and the only lyrics I remember are from the chorus: “I like to swim, I like to swim.” It's a male singer whose voice somewhat reminded me of the lead singer of Cameo (“Word Up” ). There was a slight aquatic effect used on his vocals in keeping with the swimming/water theme of the song.

Understand, I've been looking for this song for 25 years, and have basically run out of ideas. I've called up college radio stations, I've tried Yahoo Answers I don't know how many times, I've looked up records of playlists from a number of college and alt-rock stations, you name it. It goes without saying that I've ruled out Fishbone, Morphine and any other band or song that comes up from a google search, in case you were thinking of doing that. If it were that easy, I'd have found the song by now.

So any actual help would be greatly appreciated. I can't be the only person on the planet who heard this song!
Posts: 534
“Swim” by Fishbone?

Came out in '93 and has the lyric, not sure about the rest.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
It goes without saying that I've ruled out Fishbone, Morphine and any other band or song that comes up from a google search, in case you were thinking of doing that. If it were that easy, I'd have found the song by now.

So, nope.
Posts: 534
Wasn’t from a search, and i missed that you eliminated Fishbone (reading comprehension on a Friday is questionable, at best), that’s just the song that came to mind from your description.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
No biggie. I feel it necessary to always include that portion I quoted when I ask about this song, because – and this is especially true of people on Yahoo Answers – it seems most folks just do a quick “90s, lyrics, i like to swim” search and then reply with the first couple results google spits back.

After two and a half decades of looking, I honestly don't think I'll ever find the song. But then I never thought I'd see the day a Trump became president, either.
Posts: 3146
I don't think you'll find it, when I searched I just got you looking for that song
Posts: 1103
Maybe you were high and you THINK the song sang/sung/singed “I like to swim, I like to swim..” When in reality it could have been anything.

Needle in a haystack Lon. Let it go.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Nope, stone cold sober and what I remember about the song, I remember clearly. I could also tell you the circumstances under which I heard it both times, what I was doing at the exact times that I heard it, what the weather conditions were both times I heard it, what I had for lunch right before the second time I heard it (first time I heard it I'd just turned on the radio and only caught the last minute of it), I can tell you the second time I heard it Linger by the Cranberries played right before it, and Dizz Knee Land by Dada played right after it.

Point being, it's not a matter of thinking what I heard, I know what I heard. And I can remember all those details above, I just can't remember the rest of the song. And if you knew me, you'd know telling me to let something go is just a waste of breath. I'm still holding a grudge against that hot Hawaiian beer girl who wouldn't let me take her home in 1992. I don't let shit go LOL
Posts: 1103

You mentioned the year, but what month, and perhaps week? Maybe check the Billboard lists of songs for that week to see if something jogs the memory a bit more?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Done all that. Billboard listings, college radio playlists, alt-rock channel playlists going back two and a half decades. It was mid-July of ‘93 when I heard it those two times. My best guess is that it never charted, and if it did chart, it charted very, very low – like, not even top 200. Because I’ve looked at I don't know how many top 200 alt-rock charts, college rock charts, etc, going back all those years.

This song is my Jack the Ripper. I don't think I'll ever find it, but I've been looking to long to give up now.
Posts: 534
Any idea what station you would have been listening to? The second time you heard it was around lunch, so you might be able to find who the DJ was that played it and track them down. It might just have been a song they liked and added in, and after playing it a few times got told to never play it again.

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