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Does anyone know this obscure '90s song?

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Sorry, no. The song's from ‘93; most of those are from the 2000s, a couple are before 1980, and I’d know if the singer was Michael Stipe (REM). Thanks for the effort, though. I can tell you did some real digging for some of those.
Peter Gabriel, I go swimming?
Posts: 3146
Have you tried Lyrics.com and search for songs with Swim in the lyric, I have but gave up after four massive pages out of about 150
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Yeah, tried that. Tried Shazam. Tried watzatsong and other such sites. Nothin'.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Peter Gabriel, I go swimming?

Sorry, no. Good song, though.
Posts: 3146
I bumped into Lord Lucan the other day and he was telling me that Jack the Ripper was a horse drawn delivery driver working for Pickfords by the name of Charles Lechmere, I asked him if he knew your song and he laughed and said give it up, you'll never find it!
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Damn you, John Bingham!
mr zee
Posts: 577
1. Swimming – Breathe Owl Breathe
2. Channel Swimmer – Corbin Murdoch and the Nautical Miles
3. Front Crawl – Frank Turner
4. The Swimming Song – Loudon Wainwright III
5. Nightswimming – REM
6. Crawled out of the sea – Laura Marling
7. Channel Swimmer – 10CC
8. Swim Until You Can't See Land – Frightened Rabbits
9. Swimming Lesson – Eels
10. Swim – Jack's Mannequin

I also found this. The Kerplunks- I like to swim

Came across these titles on a British digital media page, don't know if any are the one your looking for
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
None of those.
Posts: 1103
Morphine's ‘Like Swimming’? Although I think that came out after 1993.

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