0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

New tab ratings: I'm calling bullshit

mr zee
Posts: 577
like button- can be used only once per tab per member

likes must have an accompanying comment left (good or bad) but not insultive

30 days registration before liking permitted

a system to convert existing tabs to new format so they are all on the same page, or remove all ratings

keep views and favourites
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I'm on board with all of those, except the system to convert existing tabs to new format. One of the main reasons I left Ultimate-Guitar is because of their stringent formatting. I would get frustrated trying to write a tab there, and would sometimes just submit the damn thing without cleaning it up or even finishing it. Even tabs I thought did abide by their format would get turned down for not meeting their format. That frustration lead to me seeking out other tab sites, which is what landed me here. I don't know what their format standards are now, maybe they've made it easier, I don't know. But I don't think we should implement a written-in-stone template that all tabbers must follow. It's too restrictive. And besides it should be on the rater to take format into consideration when rating. Presentation counts.

And while this has nothing to do with ratings abuse, I once suggested that perhaps tabbers could submit tabs in formats other than simple text – like as PDFs, or Guitar Pro, or Power Tab, etc. Any thoughts on that?
Posts: 534
I think a sample template would be good, something people can use outright, modify or ignore. I pretty much stole Lon's format since it was easiest for me to follow, but there are other ways to convey the information that work as well.

Personally I like the plain text format - I can copy/paste that into Word and manipulate the format to one that works best for me.
What are the advantages of having a like button? I don't see how that would change anything

I do like the idea of not letting new members rate/like tabs for x amount of time but 30 days is way too much, that's gonna be a huge turn off for all new members, we just want to target the ones who abuse the rating system and ruin it for everyone else

And while this has nothing to do with ratings abuse, I once suggested that perhaps tabbers could submit tabs in formats other than simple text – like as PDFs, or Guitar Pro, or Power Tab, etc. Any thoughts on that?
Meaning they would be available as downloadable files or…?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
^^^ Yes. As of right now the only way to save a tab offline is to print the page itself or left-click/drag/copy/paste to a word program and save it. Personally, if we could upload other formats I would probably include a Power Tab version along with the normal text version. There are better tabbing programs out there, but I'm a cheap bastard, and Power Tab is free.
mr zee
Posts: 577
a system to convert existing tabs to new format so they are all on the same page, or remove all ratings

I meant this to be convert the existing ratings into whatever the new rating system might be

plain text format works for me too as its easy to control. I have no knowledge whatsoever about guitar pro or power tab. as this is the first tabbing site I came across a couple of years ago when I first started tabbing so I have stayed with this site. The afore mentioned sites sound, as if the name is anything to go by, want ego-trippers who are more interested in there own glory rather than trying to help newbies, oldies, good or not so good players. An intricate well laid out tab will appeal to the seasoned player but a newbie, not so good player/tab reader might want something a bit more basic to follow until they reach the next level.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I meant this to be convert the existing ratings into whatever the new rating system might be

Oh, okay. My bad.
mr zee
Posts: 577
What are the advantages of having a like button? I don't see how that would change anything
a member, at the mo can rate a tab straight after joining and the abusers can set up dummy accounts with in seconds.

a like button should, but not guaranteed deter the abusers by only allowing one like per tab per member and the thirty day thing would dissuade them from creating multiple accounts, again not guaranteed. In reality the present rating system incorporating the same thirty day wait should work just as well. And yes, 30 days is a long time but genuine raters fav tabs for a fair old while until the info is digested and the tab is then rated. Abusers create an account and 5 star there friends/own tabs immediately.
Posts: 3147
This is getting out of hand again. Q. What is the problem that caused this thread to be started in the first place? A. Crap tabs being given 5 star ratings. One possible solution which I have put forward is the Like/Dislike button, the reason being that a tab is either good or bad, with only one option for either Like or Dislike takes away the chance for cheaters to give an un deserved 5 stars. The 30 day option that someone else suggested, (2Nick3 I do believe) is a good one to deter cheats creating multiple accounts to give 5 star ratings
mr zee
Posts: 577
Q. What is the problem that caused this thread to be started in the first place? A. Crap tabs being given 5 star ratings. One possible solution which I have put forward is the Like/Dislike button,

The 30 day option that someone else suggested, (2Nick3 I do believe) is a good one to deter cheats creating multiple accounts to give 5 star ratings

Looks like this is the way forward ladies and gents.

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