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New tab ratings: I'm calling bullshit

Posts: 3146
Not superfluous “us”. Superfluous “u”s – as in instances of the letter “u” where it's not needed, like in “colour” and “labour.” We spell them “color,” “labor.” Also, we pronounce it “a-LOO-mih-num,” not “a-loo-MIH-nee-um.”Silly Brits…
Thing is you are speaking English, you are all basically English but you need your own identity so you come up with crap like aloominum and you play Rugby but have to wear more body armour than a medieval jouster cos your all soft as shite. We use a lever but you use a levver and you go to the cinema to watch Saturday Night Fevver
Posts: 3146
…..and why don't you call titanium titanum?
UranIUM, plutonIUM, barIUM, strontIUM, cadmIUM et ceterIUM
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I would explain why, but I don't want to sound like a know-it-all.

…okay, fine, I don't know. But as for football, you're singing to the choir. I don't like American football either, which I think is basically rugby for pussies. So at least we have that in commoun. Er, common.
You guys should be politicians!
How do we solve the rating crisis? Talk about something completely different!
Careful, Trump may want to hire you.

Basically this discussion has become our very own brexit fiasco!

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Very easy to steer back onto topic, though. Check it:

Brexit fiasco. Know what else is a fiasco? Users abusing our rating system.

Boom! Back on topic.
Posts: 3146
So at least we have that in commoun. Er, common.
3 days ago Marko1960 Said “So why bother starting this thread if people are gonna come up with good ideas but you are just gonna stick with the totally flawed system that you are moaning about but hope the arseholes who are abusing it are gonna behave themselves”

6 hours ago Lon Said “Brexit fiasco. Know what else is a fiasco? Users abusing our rating system”

It's great to discuss and air out ideas but I think it's time to actually do something?

For me Marko nailed it on the head.

Lon started this thread 2 weeks ago and 2 weeks later is still quite rightly moaning about rating abusers.
How many more wasted weeks spent talking about this?
mr zee
Posts: 577
Seems like its time for action but who will decide on what path to take. Idea's will stay ideas until the people running/administering the site make some decisions on how to move forward. Or would trying to educate the masses to how a rating system works be better, probably not as the abusers are more than likely the tabbers or friends. My old man used to say “if you can't be honest to yourself you can't be honest at all”
mr zee
Posts: 577
I know some of my tabs are good, some average and some piss pot poor so in my opinion comments should be at the fore front of the rating system so as to enable the tabber to rectify, if needed, errors / mistakes, but as we all know some people don,t want to type comments so going down this path is probably like flogging a dead horse, so the possibility of tick boxes, for various aspects of a tab, maybe more convenient which the system rounds up to give a rating for the tab, but with out honesty it will be no better than the current system.
Mr Zee said “so in my opinion comments should be at the fore front of the rating system so as to enable the tabber to rectify, if needed, errors / mistakes, but as we all know some people don,t want to type comments so going down this path is probably like flogging a dead horse”

Some people will not rate if forced to leave a comment. That might be true but surely no rating is far better than a false rating? More than likely most of the abusers won't want to spend time explaining themselves.

The true raters out there will take the time to explain why they gave their rating, regardless of 5 stars to 1 star.
It should help tabbers, users and Big Bass Tabs staff to get a better picture of the good and bad tabs in the system.

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