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New tab ratings: I'm calling bullshit

mr zee
Posts: 577
I think the opinion in the last post is right but we need to find a way of getting everyone to rate tabs honestly if possible.
mr zee
Posts: 577
I also think new players who come across an average tab might rate it as top dollar as there experience is insufficient to know that it's not worth that rating.
Posts: 3146
I think the opinion in the last post is right but we need to find a way of getting everyone to rate tabs honestly if possible.
I think the only way to achieve this is to have hit squads armed with Glock 17s who can get into raters houses at the point where they are about to rate a tab, if they rate it dishonestly then the hit man pops a cap in the beotch's ass! Thing is, I'm not being funny, that is the only way, so we need to forget going down the path of re education and find a foolproof system
mr zee
Posts: 577
Well there's quite a few ideas for the powers that be to mull over that should, hopefully, improve the rating and overall likability of tabs. Don't know what's happened recently but the last two submissions of about forty tabs have accrued three ratings????
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I'm hoping that's because of the stink I raised with this thread. Like stars and stripes said on the previous page, no rating is better than a false rating. At least with no rating, people who come here to actually learn aren't being misled. That's what this site is for – to educate people, not cater to a tabber's ego (though as I'm sure some of you may remember, my ego was touchy for the first year or so LOL).
mr zee
Posts: 577
(though as I'm sure some of you may remember, my ego was touchy for the first year or so LOL).

Well before i joined the site, but its right, when you've spent a few hours working a tab out the lack of response can be disheartening and knock your own confidence for six
I'd like to think that this thread (Lon's causing a stink) has had the desired effect, but I think it temporary. It's been going on for Months and Months and will probably happen again at some point soon.
The existing way of rating does not work and it needs to be changed. There have been enough voices saying the same thing.
It's down to the BBT staff to act upon it.
Easier said than done I'm sure but if it doesn't change, all this discussion will have achieved nothing.

If nothing changes and the rating abuse continues then the abusers win.
Also I would see no point in anyone reacting to this thread ever again or starting a similar one.
If no action is taken now then don't bother moaning about it in the future!
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
True, threads like this are just a temporary plug in the dam, but the fact is that the staff, as you said before, all have lives. While I do drop in multiple times a day, usually it's only for a minute or two to answer PMs and to ensure that no one's causing problems on the boards. Other than that, I tend to keep pretty busy, and while I don't know The Dude's situation, I know for a fact that Johnny has a whole lot on his plate right now, and will have for the foreseeable future. So until the stars can align and we all find ourselves with some time off and the opportunity to really dig in and address the issue in earnest, these finger-in-the-dam threads are going to have to do.

If every couple months we have to make a fuss in order to temporarily ebb the ratings abuse, then certainly that's better than allowing it to continue unabated until such a time as the staff can tackle it in whole, right? Plus, it affords users opportunities to share their ideas on possible fixes, and might give our admins ideas they might not have otherwise considered.
Yes, I appreciate how busy staff members can be. There is no easy fix to this, it will be time consuming when there is time to do so.

Obviously carrying on as we are for the time being is how it will have to be for now.

Hopefully there have been enough ideas already suggested to admin that when the time is right to act, they can do so swiftly.
Posts: 534
Not that I have the time to make a huge dent, but I will start doing as Lon did - watch the New Tab list for 5-star tabs and give them an honest rating. Not that I have the best ear, but I can tell if what I'm playing isn't matching the recording.

Getting a few honest ratings on a tab will dilute the effect of fake 5-star.

For me, at the least, it will expose me to some music I wouldn't otherwise hear, and styles I wouldn't play.

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