0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Posts: 534
Excuse me for asking. I thought this was a site to help beginners learn bass guitar. Apparently I was wrong. This seems to be site where experienced bass players get together to bash beginners who ask questions. In the future I will go elsewhere. Sorry to have bothered you.

Dude, you walked into a room where a bunch of people have been having conversations for a long time, and you're catching the latest round of what I've been seeing for (Nick checks his profile… ) over 4 years now, and was old then. Don't fret about it (get it - fret - hello, is this mic on?… ). Grab what's useful here to you, ignore what isn't, and realize that any family has its idiosyncrasies, including the BBT family.
Posts: 3145
1. Use Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac), as these are text editors and not word processors. Word will try to interpret what you have typed into what it thinks you meant, and it will mess it up. 1a. It looks like the app “Textor” is the best equivalent for iOS. It's free.2. Use Courier New as the font. Or if you must be a rebel (Looking at you, Jay!), Lucida Console (Win) or Monaco (Mac). They are monospace fonts - each character has the same width. So when you line things up vertically they stay lined up. (It looks like Textor handles that for you, nothing to set there)3. If you choose not to follow 1 and 2, then before posting on BBT paste your tab into Notepad or TextEdit and see why 1 and 2 are 1 and 2. 4. Don't try to edit your tab on BBT - go back to 1 and 2. You can edit on BBT, but there's a good chance you'll mess it up. Just do it right. You did save your tab, right? Save is on the CTRL-S in Notepad, Command-S in TextEdit.5. Keep lines below about 90 characters - BBT will shrink the display font if you don't, making your tab very hard to read. This includes making sure you don't have any extraneous stuff out past the ends of the lines as well - a bunch of extra spaces will do it, even though you don't see them. It's the one thing you can fix in a posted tab pretty easily. 4x 16th note measures, 5 measures breaks, a set of repeats and the string names is 72 (73 if drop tuned), so keeping text lines the same length means you're in good shape.Marko - if you have the line of text outside the Tabs: tags in your forum post it will format correctly. Or figure about where it should break and add an “Enter” yourself. Submitting a tab has everything between those markers, hence #5 above is important to remember. If you edit your post and copy the “Just used…” line below the tag it will format correctly. As to your tab itself, you have a different number of characters on each line, hence the end of line marks ( | ) aren't aligned. That's 1 and 2.Just like playing bass, no one gets it right to start. You have to work at it. My career has had me doing enough coding that I knew what would happen with the formatting before I posted my first tab, so I was on top of it, but I still had to tweak things a bit to get it how I wanted it to look. Copying one of Lon's tabs to get the formatting helped a lot, too.
Well, that's me bollocksed, I don't understand any of that but now I know why I can't tab just using BBT. I'm a simple plasterer, I don't use a computer in my line of work, just a hawk and trowel. I'm not the only one on the forum who doesn't tab but I have given technical advice, even helped Iam Mark build his own bass. I guess I should be on Talk Bass
mr zee
Posts: 577
Football, beer, bass and all sorts of other things, inc comedy and straight honest opinions make you who you are. I'm cobblers at plastering, also pretty crap with a saw so I leave that sorta stuff to friends and family. Keep your ideas n thoughts coming as there's probably a whole world of bassist out there who like them.
Posts: 3145
Thanks Mr Zee. Speaking of Football, Leeds are four wins from a place in the Premier League
Posts: 270
This has been a funny old thread!
mr zee
Posts: 577
Thanks Mr Zee. Speaking of Football, Leeds are four wins from a place in the Premier League
That will be nice
Posts: 3145
I've signed up with Talk Bass, I didn't realise there was so much going on, it's fkn HUGE, loads of build threads

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