0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Posts: 2
Why do none of these tabs mark the measures?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Some of us do.
is it compulsory?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
No, but IMO it should be. Measures are necessary to understand and indicate time signatures. It's music 101, something every player should know.
It ought to be made impossible to rate a messy tab with no discernible measures at anything above 2 stars. The ratings here are a joke. Look at the main page of new tabs right now. A bunch of mediocre tabs are 5 starred and a few of Loudlon's have no stars at all.
No, but IMO it should be. Measures are necessary to understand and indicate time signatures. It's music 101, something every player should know.

as long as its not mandatory then everything is fine
Posts: 3145
Right. I've been dragged out of retirement to add my two penneth, there's Standard Notation, which gives you ALL of the info you need to interpret how a song was intended to be played by the composer, then there's Tabs, a simplified version for the average Joe in the street who is too thick or too lazy to try and understand music theory. It's painting by numbers, you can see the picture but an expert is telling you what colours, (Colors, OK Lon) to put where, you know the song, it's been recorded and is readily available through numerous outlets, brain dead just needs someone to tell him where to put his fingers.
So if the tabs on this site that a few people have taken the time to work out and upload are still too confusing for your tiny Neanderthal brain to comprehend then go and take up train spotting or something. BUT DONT COME HERE AND MOAN
mr zee
Posts: 577
Welcome back, so eloquently put.
Posts: 3145
Welcome back, so eloquently put.
Had to be said
mr zee
Posts: 577
I agree, I thought tabs were to inform where fingers went on frets and the rest was picked up by listening to the song. As you know Marko i'm as thick as two short planks with muso theory and cant read music whatsoever but those less capable might need to know exactly what to do, including size and thickness of pick or which finger to pluck with.
Posts: 3145
Tabs are an aid, they are not the be all and end all of music theory. When I'm learning a song I usually get the first couple of notes and think, yeah, that's it, then I take the rest myself, you've got to have some input on what you're learning or you won't get a full understanding of what you're doing, you will know what you're doing but you won't know why. A lot of people want to know every song note by note, and I suppose that's ok if you only ever want to do is play covers, but the way I look at it is I have my own style of playing, very simple but to the point, as long as it drives the song on. I'm not a lead guitarist ffs, his job is to stand down the front and grab everyone's attention, mine is to stand at the back and keep their toes tapping. Being pedantic can be a curse aswell, if you learn one of Billy Sheehans thrashathons note for note then the band you're in want to do U2s With or Without You you're gonna be, “what the f**k”. Be yourself (as Audioslave so eloquently put it)

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