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Does it bother anyone else how rare tabs get rated?

Posts: 100
11 years ago
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I know it's not that big of a deal, but I wish my tabs would get rated. It's not so much about gloating or having 5 star tabs for me. I would just like to know if my tabs help people as much as I hope they do.
Posts: 3146
What tabs have you done and I'll have a look
Posts: 3146
I've never heard of the Birthday Massacre, that's why I haven't rated any of your tabs, sorry
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Doesn't really bother me. Only a few of mine have been rated so far but I figure folks will get to them when they get to them.
Posts: 1499
It would be helpful if people were diligent about rating tabs - help to sort the good from the crap.

It takes an extra effort to come back and rate a tab. Most of us go looking for a tab because we want to learn a new song. It isn't until you've tried to play the tab that you can rate it, and I think most just forget or don't bother to make that extra effort.

I was going to have a look at my tabs and do some number crunching to come up with an average number of views before a tab gets rated, but I don't have time, and it is a lot of views.

Additionally, though I really like The Vibrators and Melvin really likes The Birthday Massacre, most people don't, or haven't heard of them. If you are tabbing songs that few people are looking to learn, your (and my) tabs will linger in obscurity.

All that said, I really do appreciate when someone does make the effort to rate a tab. I like the ‘thanks’ that is implied from a good rating, and a poor rating lets me know I might not have done such a good job and need to have another look at that tab.

And LoudLon - I have printed up three of your tabs but haven't had time to learn the songs yet. But I will rate them when I get there! And if you wanted to tab more Collective Soul, I for one would appreciate that!
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
^^^ Will do, and thanks for checking out my stuff.

That may have come out wrong…
Posts: 1594
I have 860 views altogether and I have 3 ratings. The lowest amount of views is 93 and the rest are above 110. So tons of people don't rate.
Posts: 1499
Remember that views include all the times that a bot or spider has ‘viewed’ the tab. Probably more visits by non-humans than real people.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Yeah, I've got a few thousand views, give or take, but I'm sure a good percentage are likely bots because not many folks these days are interested in the mostly '90s alt-rock stuff I submit.
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
I know it's not that big of a deal, but I wish my tabs would get rated. It's not so much about gloating or having 5 star tabs for me. I would just like to know if my tabs help people as much as I hope they do.

Hey bro ill look into your tabs after all ive played birthday massacre and love their songs
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
ill crunch some numbers and see whats the percentage of people who rate. ill get back to you guys on this

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