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Does it bother anyone else how rare tabs get rated?

Posts: 1594
Yeah, I've got a few thousand views, give or take, but I'm sure a good percentage are likely bots because not many folks these days are interested in the mostly '90s alt-rock stuff I submit.
Played a few of your tabs and enjoyed it!
Posts: 3146
I think I'll put this to the test, ill tab the bass driven classic by the Animals, “We Gotta Get Outta This Place” mainly cos it's easy and I've never submitted any tabs before
I know TBM isn't a big band; I guess that's one of the reasons why I would like to see my tabs rated more. I want to give bassists the best tabs of their songs that you can find on the internet, being that there's not many bass tabs. I'm very passionate about their music, and want to give everyone the opportunity to play their bass lines true to the way that they are written. Sorry I'm babbling; It wasn't my intention to make all of you feel obligated to rate my tabs by posting this thread. I was just curious if I was the only wishing that tabs were rated more…
Quote: I know it's not that big of a deal, but I wish my tabs would get rated. It's not so much about gloating or having 5 star tabs for me. I would just like to know if my tabs help people as much as I hope they do. Hey bro ill look into your tabs after all ive played birthday massacre and love their songs
That's awesome you like them, not many people do. Thanks for checking out my tabs Danny
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Dude off course i like TBM its one of my fav bands and you did a most excellent job on those tabs keep up the pro tabbing work fellow bass player
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
I've been doing some caluclations, I hope this are correct:

63.4% of all tabs are rated.

The average rating for the rated tabs is 4.00881.

The tab that has the most ratings is Califorication (http://www.bigbasstabs.com/red_hot_chili_peppers_bass_tabs/californication_bass_tab.html) with 445 ratings.

However if I divide the number of times all tabs have been rated by the number of views of all tabs the number is very very low only 0.4%, which means that you need at average at least 200 views to get a single rating.

But the average view counter for tabs that have at least one rating is 868. For tabs that have exactly one rating that number is 453.

Hope this helps somewhat. Do you have any ideas how to encourage people to rate tabs?
Dude off course i like TBM its one of my fav bands and you did a most excellent job on those tabs keep up the pro tabbing work fellow bass player

They ARE my fav band. Thanks for this comment. It makes me feel like I've done their songs justice. I'm glad you like the tabs.

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