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Bass Playing For A Living

Posts: 3148
11 years ago
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Theres a lot of young people on this forum who are fanatical about Bass but how many have actually thought about doing it for a living, it would mean studying properly and learning to site read, ive just spent 12 hours on a cold wet miserable building site, oh how I wish I'd followed my dream
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
I would really like to do that. I have a friend who is a really good guitar player and he does it for a living. He's teaching guitar and playing in three bands. He makes a modest living. But he really is one of the best guitarist I've ever seen.

I guess it also depends on where you live.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I did the band thing back in the 90s but I never had any huge musical aspirations. I just enjoy playing, be it bass, guitar, drums, what-have-you. I'd be perfectly content doing 90s alt-rock covers in a weekend bar band. Unfortunately, I currently live deep in the hills of Kentucky, where all the local bars play stuff like Lynyrd Skynyrd or Alabama or Exile. Not that there's anything wrong with those bands, they're just not to my taste, and not the kind of stuff I enjoy playing.
I used to be in a band back in high school, but left it to move elsewhere and get away from a certain situation in life back then. I would love to be back in a band; my mind is definitely open to that kind of lifestyle. I think I'll have more of a chance once I am able to move to a city, such as Chicago.
It's what I'm going to college for. If I don't make it in a band, I figured I could at least share my knowledge on the next generation of bassists.
Theres a lot of young people on this forum who are fanatical about Bass but how many have actually thought about doing it for a living, it would mean studying properly and learning to site read, ive just spent 12 hours on a cold wet miserable building site, oh how I wish I'd followed my dream
I'm well off on the sight reading. I've been in concert band for 7 years.
bass freak
Posts: 320
It would have been nice to have made playing bass my day job. It was good to dream about it back in the day but sadly work in the real world was my destination.
Posts: 3148
It's what I'm going to college for. If I don't make it in a band, I figured I could at least share my knowledge on the next generation of bassists.
Dont forget session work. I got my youngest brother into playing bass, he went to college and studied and went on to play professionally. He played on cruise ships, he played in a hotel band in Yokohama, he played in a club band in Israel, he's done session work and toured the country with numerous bands. When he finally found time to have a family, he gave it up to be a gas fitter but after 3 months of that he was back on the road with his trusty bass, living the dream
Posts: 461
Oh to dream of such a thing! Sadly I never had the talent to make a go of it.
Same here softcell62, I never did & still don't have the talent to make a living from it. Having it as a hobby is just as good though.
Posts: 256
Would have been brilliant but as I lack any great musical talent it was never on the cards!

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