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Bass Playing For A Living

im going too .trust me
Dont forget session work. I got my youngest brother into playing bass, he went to college and studied and went on to play professionally. He played on cruise ships, he played in a hotel band in Yokohama, he played in a club band in Israel, he's done session work and toured the country with numerous bands. When he finally found time to have a family, he gave it up to be a gas fitter but after 3 months of that he was back on the road with his trusty bass, living the dream
Thanks for the tip Marko. I will keep that in mind.
Posts: 3147
I didn't worry about it too much as I never had the talent to make a living from music. I enjoyed going to watch gigs rather than play them.
What I was getting at was making a living from something you are passionate about, rather than suffer the drudgery of 9 to 5. I have no natural musical ability, just a grim determination to make it work. My dad was a professional entertainer and he had Perfect Pitch, he could pick up any instrument and just play it. We had a piano at home and he'd sit there for hours knocking tunes out
Posts: 3147
Me neither, but playing to an audience is the next best thing
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
I play in pubs concert halls and such but i really want to be out there and tour the world but for now im here in the caribbean working on a power trio band scoring gigs to play in our biggest concert stadium here in PR

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