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Best 5 string bass for 2-300?

Posts: 3147
Well nobody was born with all the knowledge in the world, but I also agree that we as musicians should strive to widen our horizons.
He who has the knowledge has the power, he who has the power gets the women, and so on and so forth
Who's Billy Sheehan?
linkinpark, Billy changeged my whole prespective when it comes to bass. The man is truly blessed with god like abilities on bass. I would strongly recommend taking Marko and Johnny's advice and look him up.
He who has the knowledge has the power, he who has the power gets the women, and so on and so forth
Indeed Mrko, indeed.
Posts: 1594
Whoever listed Geddy Lee, that's a given. And I think my horizon is pretty broad
Look Up Billy, you won't regret it.

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