0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Songsterr -- Another Tab Stealing Site

Posts: 3148
YES!!! it is linkinpark232 i couldnt agree with you more
It's only a crime if you copyright your tab but seeing as the original song has copyright you can't because by tabbing you are infringing copyright and committing a crime so stop whinging and get on with it
Posts: 3148
Here's a little food for thought to put your stolen tabs into perspective; Coronation Street is a 54 year old soap opera based on the everyday lives of simple Manchester folk, it enjoys international recognition. I had an idea for a story line that would bring a popular character in the 60s but left the show in the seventies, the premise being that he now had a terminal illness and was returning to his roots to live out the time he had left. I put my idea on to paper and sent it to Granada Studios. About a week later I got a reply saying that they had a scriptwriting team and didn't accept scripts from the general public and don't call us we'll call you. Much to my irritation, (I was actually incandescent with rage!) about three months later my story played out on screen before my very eyes, they even went to the trouble of tracking down the original actor, Neville Buswell, who was now working as a bank manager in Los Angeles, to play the part, scene for scene I might add. So yes, it's a pain in the arse, (that's Ass for our transatlantic cousins) when someone rips off your hard work
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
but that's straight up theft, they told you they didn't need your stuff and then used it under their own name, making a lot of money from it. you could've (should have?) taken them to court.

someone posting your tabs on their site isn't really gaining much from it, strictly speaking. and while i agree with you that they should at least have the decency to leave your signature on the tabs, you did post the tabs in a public place. what you wrote with the opera was given to them in private.

i understand the frustration, but i think you should all be flattered rather than upset. your tabs here are credited to you, and we are, in fact, one of the most popular bass sites on the internet. sooner or later we will be the most popular site and the only one that matters when it comes to tabs and their authors. don't worry about it too much, this community knows what you did and appreciates it greatly.
Posts: 3148
I NEVER use any other site so when I see a tab I know who posted it. Not everyone rates the tabs so what about an automatic view counter like on eBay, at least then tabbers will know how many people have viewed their work
Posts: 1594
I NEVER use any other site so when I see a tab I know who posted it. Not everyone rates the tabs so what about an automatic view counter like on eBay, at least then tabbers will know how many people have viewed their work

Just click on your profile and it tells you how many views you have.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Honestly, I probably would have been okay with it if they'd left my name on it. I'm the one who sat down with the song and my guitar and did all the work transcribing it to tab, so for someone else to take my name off of it and pass it off as their own is enough to make me want to crush a fucker.

Two things I can't stand in this world are liars and thieves, and whoever did that is both.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Just an update: I emailed Songsterr complaining that one of their users had stolen my tab and uploaded it as their own – and they took it down. Respect, yo!
bass freak
Posts: 320
Great result LoudLon. At least if it happens again with Songsterr you can do something about it.
Posts: 256
I'm really pleased for you Lon. I bet that felt good when the tab got removed!

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