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The introductions thread!

mr zee
Posts: 577
Good to c ya, started playing in late 70s till early 00s then restarted as a hobby collecting bass' I have owned or wanted to own. If you do the theory side you won't go far wrong. I never bothered with stuff like that and even though i'm a decent player I lack loads of theory and the like. Enjoy the site there are some great people on here.
Posts: 3147
The only time it's ever too late to do something is when you're dead,

…unless your ambition is to be put in a pine box and set alight
Hi Mae welcome aboard, I'm 28

Posts: 809

but it's never to late to fulfill a dream

Posts: 1
Started playing in ‘73 then took 44 years off and started again. Yeah, the truth is I’m a keyboard player since age 6, but recently decided to branch out and am really enjoying it. Picked up a Fender American Pro Fretless Jazz Bass and cannot believe the great sound and feel I am getting from it. Before it starts, don't ask why I chose fretless, I will tell you. My original training was on an upright acoustic so I am used to position more than frets. I did play a fretted electric for a while, but didn't get too locked into it. And, I'm sure the fact my favorite bass player is Jaco may have something to do with it. In any case, I have landed here now and hope to pick up some good tips and advice as I wander the road of the bass player.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Good to have you, AriKona. Welcome aboard.
Hallo zusammen.
Seit ein paar Jahren versuche ich mich am Bass. Meine Frau schläft abends davon ein, ob das ein gutes Zeichen ist?
Posts: 534
Hallo zusammen. Seit ein paar Jahren versuche ich mich am Bass. Meine Frau schläft abends davon ein, ob das ein gutes Zeichen ist?

Willkommen, Jürgen!

Du weißt, die Foren hier sind normalerweise auf Englisch (So you know, the forums here are usually in English - and Google Translate is pretty good)
Posts: 270
Hallo zusammen. Seit ein paar Jahren versuche ich mich am Bass. Meine Frau schläft abends davon ein, ob das ein gutes Zeichen ist?

Well whatever you said welcome!
Posts: 270
It's German!
Translation: Hello everybody. For a few years I have been trying on the bass. My wife falls asleep in the evening, if that is a good sign?

Not sure how to answer that!
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Willkommen, Jürgen!

I totally copied and pasted that from 2nick. Sorry, the only German I know are “Gesundheit” and a kind of chocolate cake.

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