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The introductions thread!

Posts: 3146
Hi Jürgen, vie gehts?
Posts: 534
a kind of chocolate cake.

Dude, now I need to find a bakery that makes German Chocolate cake. Or at least get a can of coconut cream frosting from the grocery store…
Posts: 3146
Quote: a kind of chocolate cake. Dude, now I need to find a bakery that makes German Chocolate cake. Or at least get a can of coconut cream frosting from the grocery store…

Have you tried Herr Kipling? He makes exceedingly good cakes

Pointless joke if you're not a Brit by the way
Hallo zusammen. Seit ein paar Jahren versuche ich mich am Bass. Meine Frau schläft abends davon ein, ob das ein gutes Zeichen ist?
Meine Ehefrau ist verschwunden. Verschwunden wie eine Luftbassgitarre im Sturm. Ob das ein gutes Zeichen ist….
Sprichst du auch Englisch?
Hello all,

I’ve been playing guitar, uke, mandolin and dulcimer for 25 years. Made quite a few guitars and ukes in that time and recently thought I’d build a bass. Now it’s finished I may as well play it. Thought I’d say hi and show some photos.
Posts: 270
Hello & welcome. Your bass looks really good.
Posts: 3146
Hi, did you build the neck from scratch?
Welcome! The bass looks super. How does it play?
Really cool bass! Zeppelin looks good on it.
Posts: 26
Hi, my name is Michael. I don't play bass but love the sound of it and what it creates within a song. I dabbled with guitar & gave up for the sake of other peoples sanity!
I'm a huge fan of the 60's but I do like bits and bobs from other decades.
I may not be able to play music but I love to listen and talk about it.
Hopefully I'll be talking about it with some of you over time.


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