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The introductions thread!

Posts: 3146
JBassFan and ScOttieMaC, hi and welcome, Billy Sheehan is being unnecessarily flash and I'm not jealous one bit
I'm still trying to figure out how to keep my phone from falling asleep while I play, so everyone is flash compared to me
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Hello Ya’ll!!! I’m Scott been pickin and trying to learn for about three years. Have a few guitars and a nice amp. I am 45 that grew up on hair bands and metal but i like to Sing and play more classic rock southern rock amd country. HUGE Chris Stapleton fan and not so much the new country sound on the radio. Kind of a tradionaliat when it comes to music genres… i do like “some” music from just about all genres… Some more than others. I hope to just communicate and learn from other musicians so i can maybe be able to understand exactly what it is Billy Shhehan is doing with that Bass lol

Always happy to see a fellow Generation X-er, even if he is a country fan.

Just playin'. Welcome aboard.

As for Billy Sheehan, nobody knows what he's doing on bass. Dude's the Stephen Hawking of bassists, he's in a whole other stratosphere.
Posts: 1
Hello, everyone. I picked up the bass way back in college for a couple years, but I haven't touched it since the mid-90s. Lately I've been feeling the urge to pick it up again though I'd be starting from scratch. My only goal back then was to learn every Sting bass line. LOL! Never reached that goal, but I figure he's still a good icon to try to emulate.

Thanks to MooseToo for posting the tab for Dear Madam Barnum by XTC. (Not sure if you can send PMs to individuals on this site so I'm saying it here.) I just don't have the time or energy these days to figure out new songs on my own so I really appreciate that this site exists.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
To send a PM, go to the user's profile by clicking their name. There'll be an option to send the user a message.

And welcome back to the low end. Plenty of knowledgeable folks here, so if you have any questions, ask away.
Posts: 3146
Hi Belles, if you're starting from scratch Sting is the perfect role model as he tends to keep it simple, I don't mean that in a bad way, he knows what the song requires and that's what he plays, Billy Sheehan was mentioned earlier and that blokes excess is way over the top
Posts: 1
I am new to the forum and French, but especially I am a bassist (beginner level) and singer in a pop rock band. I take advantage of the fact that my kids are grown up now to do some music.

My English is basic, I apologize in advance for my writings and translations. Indeed, I use the Google translator.

I'm looking for bass line tablatures where lyrics lyrics would also be written. For now, I have not found anything like that. Therefore, I gather the two so that I can sing and play at the same time.
Currently, I play minimalist bass lines so I can sing at the same time.

My goal is to play Slap and sing at the same time. I know that I will have to work hard to achieve my goal.

I wish you a good day.

mr zee
Posts: 577
welcome to the forum, very few tabs on here have lyrics but once you have learn't a tab try and jam and sing along to you tube videos. I don't sing but use the videos to help my playing.
Posts: 26
Welcome Minik, you wanna slap and sing you say? Here is some inspiration
HELLO EVERYONE! I am Rickman1 and honored to be with all you musicians. I am 57 years young and love to play music. There is nothing like music, no matter how I'm feeling , music just put me in the right place. I learned to play bass when I was 17 and fell in love with it. Eventually I started playing parties,basement jams and finally clubs. The first time I played a paying gig in Queens, N.Y. , I remember getting on the stage and man my knees were literally shaking. After we played our first song (Good Times Bad Times by Led Zeppelin) I heard and saw the applause the nerves were gone and I was hooked. Anyway , after a while I put my bass down for 20 years, guess I lost it for a bit, but now I'm back and loving it . Well, there is a little piece of me and now I'm rocking again. I come to these sites to meet interesting people and to learn or help if I can . With that being said, Peace and Respect to you all , and keep on Jammin !

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