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The introductions thread!

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Posts: 3146
Welcome aboard
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023

just bumpin this thread in case some new people want to say hi
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
bumpin again, seeing as there's some more new people
Posts: 143
Hi all. I've been a lurker for a while and have finally signed up. I am returning to the bass after many years away. Began as a bass player, then shifted to vocals, performed for many years and then “retired”. Picked up some new kit a few months ago - Eastwood Classic 4 Semi hollow bass and a Vox amp - been sniffing around here ever since.

Love the site. Just made a request last night and it was filled today. Wow! Happy slapping!
Posts: 440
Welcome to the site Guinny.
Alright geezers…….. and gal's……..
Love bass tabs….. trying to get my fingers round the Atomic solo by Blondie at the moment.
I got a technical question…… I want to play along to albums and other tracks….
What's the best way? I've plugged an ipod into the amp at the same time but it sounds a bit pants.
Any tips?
Big up the bigbasstabs boys.
Posts: 3146
Hi Chewie, welcome to BBT. My Marshall 100 DFX guitar amp has an input for a CD player so I can play along to Slash, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen etc (if I could lol), see if there's a bass amp out there that does the same.
I love Nigel Harrisons little bass break on Atomic aswell
Heyllo. I'm a noob. Pretty cool sight. I've been playing bass for about 8 years for funzies. Just now joined a band and started to play some shows. Always looking for new music. Maybe team up with some other bands of a similar genre around the US for some shows. We play trashgrass.
Posts: 1103
Welcome. I'm not familiar with “trashgrass”, so I'm either showing my age or this is something new.

I'll have to Wiki it.

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