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The introductions thread!

Posts: 1103
Well me Google search didn't help. Apparently there's only three artists that come up when you search for “trashgrass”.
Posts: 3147
Hi GrateFulNate, yeah, Trashgrass is a new one on me too. There's a band from my home town who claim to have invented ‘Industrial Folk’, I Googled it and it just said ‘Crap’
Heyllo. I'm a noob. Pretty cool sight. I've been playing bass for about 8 years for funzies. Just now joined a band and started to play some shows. Always looking for new music. Maybe team up with some other bands of a similar genre around the US for some shows. We play trashgrass.
Trashgrass??? Did I miss something? Trashy Bluegrass? Please tell us what Trashgrass is.
Meanwhile, welcome!
Hi…I'm new around here. My name's Suse and I just started playing bass this year. We had an upset with our church and pretty much the whole band left (they were all one family), leaving a few vocals and a guitarist to hold down the fort. My dad and two younger brothers have played bass for years, so I figured I must have inherited some kind of bass skills so put my hand up to learn and play for the band. Best decision I ever made…don't know why I didn't start playing earlier!

I currently play a Fender Squier affinity bronco short scale that my hubby bought me but I also inherited my dad's old bass, which I think is a no name brand…can't figure out what it is, plus my brother's stickered it and didn't look after it very well, which is sad. I also occasionally pick up my acoustic guitar but find I've now learned more on the bass than I learned on guitar.

So glad I found Big bass tabs, as I was getting frustrated not finding much to help my playing along. Hope to see you around the traps.

Oh yeah, and I'm from Australia
Posts: 1103
Hello Suse, welcome!

There's a lot of helpful people on this site. Great resource!
Posts: 3147
Hi Suse, welcome to the family, the last one in makes the coffee and buys the cakes lol
Bahaha…I can buy cake but you might regret my coffee…lol
...but I also inherited my dad's old bass, which I think is a no name brand…can't figure out what it is, plus my brother's stickered it and didn't look after it very well, which is sad...
Can we see pictures of that bass?
Welcome to this side of the globe, Suse!

Can we see pictures of that bass?

Sure thing…just give me a minute or two…
Quote: Can we see pictures of that bass? Sure thing…just give me a minute or two…
Counting down…

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