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The introductions thread!
Here she is…

You can see where my brother stickered it. I managed to peel some off, but it left a mark…can't get the other sticker off at all.

See the big crack near the E string tuning peg? Is that going to cause me issues when it comes to tuning or anything of the sort?

I don't think you can see it in this pic, but the body has a crack running on either side of the base of the neck.
Anyway, hopefully someone here can tell me what this girl is. My dad can't remember. I also can't remember if he bought it here in Australia, or back in South Africa before we moved here almost 18 years ago.
Sorry, it took longer than I expected…my computer skills are not the best
FB series Aria Pro II; made by Aria guitars, a Japanese manufacturer. After some googling, it seems they started off back in the ‘50s making cheap Fender knock-offs but eventually upped their game and started producing higher quality guitars. This one looks like an ’80s model, but I'm not 100% on that.
Sorry, it took longer than I expected…my computer skills are not the best
Bass skills is what counts here

Thanks for sharing. I don't recognize this bass. It looks a bit ESP-like. The cracks look rather nasty. It certainly doesn't contribute to tuning stability.
Yeah, let's just say my brothers didn't bother to look after it. It has been caseless for who knows how long and it sat languishing in a cupboard for a few years after my brother bought his own bass (which, incidentally he does look after…seeing as it was his own money spent, not my dad's). Now if I could just get that blasted sticker off…..
Thanks Lon
No problem.
Bass skills is what counts here
And it's a good thing. Skill, I have; if it were a matter of knowing all the technical aspects or musical theory or being able to indentify every scale and note you play, I'd be screwed LOL
I once played an Aria bass which wasn't bad at all.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matsumoku
The link contains info about breaking necks…
Haha…give me sheet music and I might just scrunch it in a ball and throw it at your face…can hardly read it at all, and only just learned to read tabs…messed with my head so bad…sometimes I still get the strings mixed up with the tabs, but I'm starting to pick it up now. so much better than just playing the chords from guitar chord charts…boring much.
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