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Tech Guys

Posts: 3145

Cut the fret slots today using the jig I made and the Pax Guitar Saw with homemade depth stop. As you can see I also got excited and fitted three frets, I did this by lining up the fret wire so the spikes on the tang were close to the ends of the slot but not at the ends so they can be seen. The ends were tapped slightly home with a hammer and then a ‘G Clamp’ used to press the rest of the fret down. A metal ‘Caul’ can be bought which is the same profile of your fingerboard and seats the fret neatly, I was going to buy one and adapt my G clamp to fit the caul but I got carried away and put three frets in, I will order one though as it will make the job easier
Posts: 1103
Looking good.

I also noticed the nice overcast English Spring day you're having. Is it warming up yet?
Posts: 3145
Yes, it's been beautiful, another hot sunny one today, Global Warming?….bring it on!
Posts: 1103
I used to enjoy watching relatives from England visit us in Florida in the summer.

We could watch the white melt off of them in the heat. and those that did go outside always went home looking like a red crayon.
Posts: 3145
I'm surprised you could see them for the human Bull Elephant Seals with bum bags and Mickey Mouse tee shirts
Posts: 3145
Never really fancied the U S, especially Florida, if I want to get shot by a black teenager I'll just do the three hour drive down to Birmingham
Posts: 3145
work is keeping progress nice and slow but I had a spurt of energy and finished the slots and put a few more frets in, need to get an 8mm Forstner bit for the marker dot holes, I've chosen Abalone she'll for the markers cos I think it's beautiful
Posts: 3145

My method of pressing the frets in by the way
Posts: 1103
Is that a new body template, or the same from your previous build?
Posts: 3145
Its a new one, still based on a Stingray but with slimmer horns

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